Saturday, March 8, 2025



The Prime Minister JUSTIN TRUDEAU  who had served Canada as Prime Minister for the past 9 years would be replaced with the new Liberal Party Leader tomorrow.

CANDIDATES: Mark Carney, Chrystia Freeland, Frank Baylis & Karina Gould.

MARK CARNEY -  Former Bank Governor of Canada & UK

CHRYSTIA FREELAND - Former Finance Minister of Canada under PM Justin Trudeau

FRANK BAYLIS - Businessman

KARINA GOULD - House Leader of the Parliament of Canada

The candidates had campaigned to the best of their abilities and had debated on the most important issues and problems every Canadian is facing in the most challenging "real life" situations. 


Friday, March 7, 2025

Weather WEATHER Weather

 CLOUDY DAY with chance of rainfall. How about meatballs?  Oh why we need showers today? First of all the signs of quakes... you don't like dry lands when earthquake strikes.

We don't have skyscrapers that tower over 100 stories at the island. So... is tsunami possible if there's an earthquake here?  Dunno for sure.

 Showers where dry forest need it to prevent wildfires again and again.

Lightning strikes? We studied so much of lightning. Even Nikola TESLA studied lightning and that was how electricity and EV had its beginning. Actually electricity was already been being used in the 1800's just that Benjamin Franklin still adamant in using them right away when his own people still believe in witchcraft. He doesn't like being called a "witch" or else he'll be hanged at the gallows or executed on bonfire with public scrutiny.

Anyway, cloudy day is okay on Friday, for a weekender to nonsense. LOL

Hey watched that Miley Cyrus old movie "LOL'"

What else I watched recently? 

How about THE NEW MUTANTS: Teenagers having extra powers, ESP, Telekinetic power, animalistic behaviours talent with fire, ability to disappear or invisibility, powers of brainwashing, etc, etc. A highly skilled female scientist had them "controlled in a controlled facility to study them, control their behaviour and tested their blood, analyzed them and exterminate if they cannot control their powers.  Yeah, somewhat a Stanley Milgram experiment coupled with Maslow's method of exploitation. PURE EVIL. The female scientist was kind of "concern" showing signs of remorse for those mutant kids however she became vile and evil that she died later in the end. Too bad. 

Well, there are too many of her kind in reality. You know those "feeling concerned healthcare workers" but the true nature of their work is just for the money. The truth is "some of them" have no emotional intelligence. While "few" of them are "psycho" with psycho episodes.  So many movies and television series being attributed about them. However, not all of them are... you can pin point the good ones, the most remarkable, kind human beings who are saintly and with the power to heal.

Tell me how many EXPERIMENTS being used in Canada and the US?




Curious about how aluminum is made from raw materials to finished product? 

The production of aluminum takes a very long, long process and it will take a huge amount of hydro power: water and electricity.

That's why companies in the USA would rather import from Canada. 

The source of bauxite and ore? Jamaica is the leading source of bauxite. Bauxite can also be found in Australia , Brazil and Russia. 


 There are many products in Canada that the United States of America need and want. Trump do not need those products but the people of America are reliant of such products. If you know what I mean. 

Trump doesn't need milk, beef, dairy products, lumber and all the good things but the people in California and Hawaii need those products especially the lumber for house building or they could cut all their trees for lumber and building materials for their  350 MILLION POPULATION. America had been endowed with rich  natural resources in the 1800's but with their large population their natural resources is not enough. 

What they forgot to include in their 350 million population of the 50 STATES there are US Colony they have such as US Virgin Island, Puerto Rico, Guam, Marshall island, Guantanamo Bay,  and other small islands somewhere in the world. 

Why he needs Panama Canal, Greenland and Canada for?

If you're a chess player you need those countries for SECURITY.  You have to place the ROOK  on those countries.

Oh I know it's because 2025. Trump reads WORLD HISTORY. It's the year 2025 and what happened in the year 1925 tend to repeat history. Whether you like it or not... HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF. Trump is superstitious you know...

Keep the Canadian Government politicians to focus their stand in Canada not into other countries. Duh. They are working now in Canada, finally. 

Then if TARIFF seems to piss off Premiers of Canada its because the 

game is TIC TAC TOE.     X O X O

Thursday, March 6, 2025


 How you can run a Government if everybody is eyeing every mistakes you have to make? You know that the Opposition will always have a magnifying lens trying find out what you are doing. There are hundreds spies around you even the closest to you will be spying, analyzing, treating you like a guinea pig inside the cage with a spinning wheel. Not only the people who will have an eye on you but also members of the Media locals or foreign Media.

If you are the President or Prime Minister, there are many protocols available. 

SECURITY OF COURSE is the first priority. Second the BUDGET. A large budget with surplus is the next best thing.

Imagine yourself the President or Prime Minister with all the budget available, let say TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS as in sky is the limit budget to expenditures. You don't have to lay off or fire any Federal workers. Let it be.

Trillion dollars for the next 12 months (1 year) of Government service. However, funding or aid such as Foreign Aid should be stopped at all cause especially those help and support that never really get into the ones who should need them. Some of those Aid get into the wrong hands. Or the warlords had them before even those needy or poor people who should have them in the first place. What the warlords do is they sell or exchange those goods for weapons (guns, bullets, grenades and landmines). If you don't know about this you are f'dumb!

When it comes to PRESS OR MEDIA, the country's leader should have its own MEDIA for Press Conference, meeting, and telecommunication for the Government. A government owned MEDIA. Bias? Who cares about bias? 

There are many works of the Government. There are many Agencies, Departments that need highly skilled workers. Every Department has budget allocated for the employees to work on. Without budget, nobody can do the work without pay for they have families and workers should be compensated for work. Equal pay for equal work. 

When everything's clear and organized, then that's the only way the leader could make assessment of whether there is surplus through the check and balance result.

What happens when there is surplus? Then maybe it's time to help other people from other countries. 

It is wrong to help other people first before the people who had helped you get elected. That's unfair. It is so dumb unfair if you help other countries first when your own country had been victimized by cruel wildfires. It is very unfair if you priority is the people in other countries. Those countries have their own leaders therefore they should work on their own government. You know what I mean? 

You don't need to impose tariff on export/import products when you have enough budget. However, if the budget is not enough you  try to DOWNSIZE almost everything and impose taxes and tariff. That's the true real problem. Once the people knew about ECONOMICS & ACCOUNTING and if they all pay their taxes... then maybe this would be the first best step to civilization 2025 and tariff will be phased out and it will be short-lived. 

Why this tariff conflict? Well consider this. You are a country who had so much money to splurge or donate to countries at war. Then when it comes to economy and the people who want you to serve them you tend to forget. The high cost of living is stratospheric high, You don't care about the old people who need pension increase, the people are crippled with poverty. You the leader of this country have so much surplus for those people at war and no money for your own people. What the hell..

HELLA, 15 degrees CELSIUS now.

CANADA should have the same agenda. CANADA FIRST! You don't splurge the Government money on war effort. If other countries want to kill each other that's their problem. Insensitive to other problem? They will STOP THE WAR once funding is cut off. The true real problem is "mind your own business." Those people didn't vote and elect you to office. You are to serve the people in your own country!! You want to serve them then go to war and have your guns make yourself their hero and don't use the people's money. USE YOUR OWN PERSONAL MONEY! THE GOVERNMENT'S MONEY IS THE PEOPLE'S MONEY.

THE TARIFF MAKES YOU WORK, pretend or not to justify whether you are working or not. Do you have skills to make things work? How the people's money work? The PEOPLE is the witness to whether Government officials have to work or not, resign or get kicked out of Government.

No ifs, no buts.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025


 FIRST CONGRESSIONAL SPEECH OF POTUS TRUMP last night. It was half an hour speech. We heard of the stories even before. Standing ovation only from the Republican side. The Democratic side seemed so serious, not smiling, very quiet, unmoved. Poker faces? I really don't know what's in their minds though. lol. Of course I can read their minds.

I can feel their silence. The opposing sides have something to say in their own minds. So silent.... is that good?

THE COUNTER TARIFF against Trump tariff was already been broadcasted before in all Canadian news networks. My God! It's already 2025!! Trump backed off and cancelled the tariff last February to be resolved March 2025. Once again the STOCK MARKET reacted badly and negatively so what's the solution to Trump's experimental curiosity on how stock market reacts?

ASPERGERS & AUTISTIC HUMANS always have experiments and projects in their minds.

Let me tell you the secret...

IT IS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE on how to play the stock market especially in volatile economy. Whether you have Trump card, Poker cards, casino cards all kinds of cards... stock market will be affected on negativity. Bad news tend to affect stock market. Calamities and disaster tend to affect stock market. WAR and rumors of WAR can affect dangerously on STOCK MARKET. Those lunatic warlords should make PEACE OR THEY SHOULD COVER & HIDE because millions of people are so pissed with war the cause of poverty, health woes, environmental damages and pollution.

STOCK MARKET is like the LAW OF INTEGERS and if you want a collapse of the world's economy duck, cover and hold.

ON FENTANYL AGAIN as the cause of Trump Tariff? For God sake!! Who from the USA ordered Fentanyl? Who is Trump's adviser on this fentanyl information? Maybe its them who are addicted to fentanyl eh?  Find out your Hospitals & Clinics. Because "Fentanyl" is prescribed in hospitals during major operation and surgery. Patients with CANCER, breast implants, Liposuction, hip & knee replacement, brain surgery, transplants, only for major operation. Fentanyl is not recommended for daily intake. It is not CANDY. However there are too many "addicts"  in the US that maybe fentanyl is their choice. Some of them are addicted to Ozempic. Add that to their addiction. Are they also  addicted to INSULIN?

CANADA's BORDER is not USA'S Border. It's hard to get into Canadian border unlike the borders of USA & Mexico. Would the Border Patrols lie to you? Watch the TV Show BORDER PATROL.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025


 It is not fentanyl to cause so much tariff feud with Canada & Mexico. I kind of think that it is personal vendetta or because under Trump, his budget is too small to govern the 350 Million human population of America including those undocumented immigrants who were taken to Guantanamo Bay. To feed those millions without jobs, without paying taxes and to guard them will be costly staggering billions of dollars. Then they cut off the USAID for other countries who received them annually. USAID for Ukraine's war with Russia was also cut off. Blame Zelensky for wanting to continue the war. 

 Federal Government workers were laid off and or ordered to resign and retire as DOWNSIZING process take place.

You know that it is "common standard" to lay off workers who previously worked for the previous US President Biden. They should know and aware of that. Process so obvious and common everywhere in the world. What's the fuzz?

It was during the Obama's tenure of office where mass Federal workers were laid off. His budget not enough  and because trillions of dollars were used for the "Manhunt for Osama bin Laden."

It's just that the uproar is too much in this time with Trump its because laying off people have too much publicity. And laying off workers are impersonal too cruel by using emails or through cellphone text messages. PUBLICITY TOO MUCH like its a breaking news most of the time. MEDIA benefit from all these breaking news.

TRUMP & MUSK. I think both of them have asperger's syndrome. Their social skills not apt to normal people.They think alike understand each other however the rest of the world do not understand their mind set and who are those few humans who had asperger's syndrome? EINSTEIN, Oppenheimer, well folks...

So, that's probably the conflict.


 Finally the US TARIFFS imposed by US Pres. Trump today. The February tariff rehearsal was to find out how stock market will react. Duh. You know it's not a rocket science that the volatile economy will be affected double time. You don't need to practice or rehearse for such thing. It happened in the past during the McKinley's and it happened during the Washington era. 

What is there to know for the POTUS to experiment? They've been experimenting with a billionaire adviser to US Economy and he forgets that he has Tesla, X and Starlink who are falling like stars and if he keeps on being mean he might lose his business. PEOPLE ARE PISSED they hate you already.

You don't play and deceive THE PEOPLE. You don't know what MILLIONS OF PEOPLE CAN DO especially the silent majority. Nobody wins in that tariff if there's a counter tariff.  GAME OVER.

You know you can play god for just one moment but when the TRUE GOD intervenes then you're OUT and GONE.

Well, if you are the DEVIL that we don't know you can live up to thousands of years in the Abyss.

Monday, March 3, 2025


 You want me to APOLOGIZE FOR BEING SO BLUNT in this blog? You know you want me to have APOLLO ON ZOOM ZOOM MISSION?

First thought there are mission of orbit sometime this year or what could be that mission?

OMG! After the Pandemic many workers discovered the freedom of ISOLATION wherein they finally found out that it is better to work at home and still look after their own homes and care for their kids. They finally realized that they "have a family."

Because for whatever reason they were there in the Office working with their minds out somewhere in oblivion. The focus and concentration is not on their jobs but on their cellphones. They are working and yet their minds somewhere else. hmm what could it be. Being floaters? Workers knew what other workers are doing. They re the witness to their co-workers behaviour and attitude towards work.

A lot of television series who portrayed those "workers" on what they are up to. Aptitude at work, busy at work? Work to sleep on their desks? Work to just walk on every aisles, a run to the bathroom or coffee nook of the office. Nothing much to do actually for some paid regulars who are busy for frequent gossiping workers. The janitors had so much to do actually. The only good thing about gossip is if you work for the tabloids or news outlets. That's an advantage.

Oh did you watch UNDECLARED WAR wherein those busy bodies, busy hands are combing every websites, every dark sides of the internet finding where to find the signals of how war started and originated. How wars and criminals are found in UK.

Well that's the work of the FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation and CIA or Central Intelligence Agency in the United States of America. 

While in Canada, CSIS and CSORS do that too of silent search. 

While SETI been that extra special Search for Extra Terrestials Intelligence. Where can E.T. be found? How many abductions? Have you seen E.T. yet? Only U.F.O. ? Why not open the UFO Files...

WHY NOT? WE WANT TO KNOW if we are the only humans on planet in our Solar System that breath and inhale oxygen. 


 It's okay America, USAID has been abolished through the help of POTUS TRUMP & MUSK. Maybe you know by now why they have that USAID  deleted in the US GOVERNMENT BUDGET  to never ever be used to aid other countries in times of fake wars and fake calamities. 

Because USA, the American people who need much of those aid from US GOVERNMENT.

YOU ARE IN TOO DEEP. Do not be shallow.

USAID had been abused, scammed, used for fraud and been embezzled by fraudsters, gangsters, warlords from other countries.

Something is really wrong with those Americans (not 100% of them are Americans). You can read the biases of those supposedly "Americans"

Please don't bite the hands that feed you!

AMERICANS HATING EACH OTHER because the people of the White House had a shout with their hero Zelensky. Darn it. Oh you feel like you are Zelensky who keep on asking and begging alms eh so that he can continue his TRIP of murder. I have to be brutally honest with you.

PUTIN & the Russians are asking for PEACE. So that they can return to normal of providing economic trade and distribution of goods and services to European countries and those their clients in other parts of the world. EUROPEAN COUNTRIES are indebted to OIL & GAS FROM RUSSIA. Unless if they would like the USA's providing their energy supply with tariff. Or oil and gas from the Middle East. The main pipelines are based from Russia and those pipelines are running through Ukraine. The war is a cut-off to the supply of oil and gas. Zelensky likes the war to continue so that he becomes the TOLL GATE, rather the TROLL.

And some stupid cannot understand until now. WHY? The more news being spread is the enrichment of news networks wherein the source of their income.  EVIL IS THE WORD.


YOU ARE NOT THERE TO WITNESS WHAT BEHIND THE SCENES. You are not in the same spot, same room, same stand right where the situation is happening. YOU ARE NOT THERE TO BE AN EYEWITNESS.

IN OTHER WORDS if you don't SEE what is happening inside the WHITE HOUSE you are not credible to say, comment or justified the real situation. 


The short and stout Zelensky was supposed to SIGN THE PEACE DEAL. However he is not ready. HE WANT SOME MORE!! 

350 BILLIONS $$$$$$$$$$$$$ OF AID FROM THE USA, FROM THE AMERICAN PEOPLE IS NOT ENOUGH. So much of those USAID for other countries had been used indifferently by those countries they helped they been embezzled by gang leaders and or USAID had been sold in favor of weapons. USA always been abused, scammed by other countries. (Did you know that USAID in GAZA as Israelites found out that Hamas had been using USAID?) What the hell is that?

He seek aid from UK and got 2.5 BILLIONS OF DOLLARS LOAN FROM UK PM Starmer. LOAN  =    L-  O- A- N      That's the word to make sure that Zelensky should and must pay the loan. It is not a gift, not a donation. British are different from USA. Never ever state the word donation or gift or aid as in different meaning and the conceited and cocky ah wont have enough gratitude for such.

Now do you understand? Who should study ESL?

Then the EU Members gathered again for photoshoot with Trudeau & Zelensky again. WITHOUT US PRES. TRUMP.

What does it mean? UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is not an EU Member. UK is no longer an EU Member. 

Somebody out there is using the MEDIA like it is a trick or a way to get even with your US Pres. And the Americans? Are you loving such tactic gesture? A haywired attitude of that nature is like a slap on all Americans. 

THEY ARE JUST BEING ADHD ( EU Members, Zelensky & Trudeau) you know? LOL. They are attention deficit members of Earth. They need injections. No pun intended. 

 ASIAN COUNTRIES? NEUTRAL of such bad trick spin? 

Sunday, March 2, 2025


 You know why Americans lost in their wars against the North Vietnamese called Vietcongs? You know why Americans will lose it wars with other countries? 

ENEMIES knew how to defeat Americans psychologically especially when Americans are against their own leader. 

You know why Americans have to bear arms since the Confederation? You don't know about it until now? Maybe you are not AMERICAN in the truest sense of being TRUE AMERICAN> You are just an "immigrant pasturing on greener pasture and being opportunistic in a way that your ancestry came from Europe and other countries. Not wanting to show racist attitude? OMG! You can be found.

Are you really an English language country? Not too many of you can understand your own language. It is a shame. Some of you don't know much of your own History. 

HOW RICH IS YOUR COUNTRY? You have this unknown visitor who is a stalker of Biden since the war who keep asking for aid for his war games of killing his fellow Ukrainians because he doesn't want them back to his homeland. He think that he owns Ukraine and for what that country had rich in minerals? What kind of minerals? Lithium and uranium from garbage! Rare Earth? FGS too many of them in USA & Australia. Landmines on every forsaking step that you'll explode? Zelensky and his men planted landmines in their yard to keep Russians and Ukrainians in those grounds. Oh they are so rich too of large fields of sunflowers that absorbed the chernobyl air. Zelensky will fight to his death rather having those Ukrainians back to his land. But without the Americans help and EU's help he wont be able to accomplish his lifelong game wherein he is the vida. He is short and stout but he is megalomaniac. FOOLS BELIEVED IN HIS FIGHT. 

SMART PEOPLE and highly intelligent people believed in PUTIN. Pres. Putin trying to complete his puzzle of completing the UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC. Why not? They are just ONE UNITED. Just like UNITED STATES having 50 STATES.  Is there something wrong with PUTIN wanting to unite USSR? RUSSIA provide for all the energy, gas and oil for them anyway including Europe, India, Cuba, and Ukraine. Why fight against Russia the provider of great energy for those countries? How bad is your knowledge of HISTORY? Oh you failed History that's why.

ZELENSKY IS THE DICTATOR, short and stout will end up like Napoleon Bonapart!

PRES. PUTIN, the look-alike of Philippine's hero Apolinario Mabini. He's a hero of Russia.

Oh well, leave UKRAINE ALONE and let the fools fund his never ending trip of war of insanity.


 SPOOF OF THE WHITE HOUSE SHOUT MATCH LIVE at SNL. Only Saturday Night Live can do justice!! LOL So funny. Include Elon Musk look-alike (Mike Myers) with a chainsaw.

NOTE: AS usual the nerd from USA don't like to share it to Canadians. Sorry.



Saturday, March 1, 2025


 To prove the WAR or INVASION happened they are unearthing graves of those who died from "the war" or PANDEMIC and could be from the effect of the CHERNOBYL. You have to remember that too many millions of lives loss and those who were left behind are left unburied in Ukraine. 

MILLIONS OF UKRAINIANS just abruptly fled, in panic, and covered themselves in RUSSIA without hesitation accept them with open arms. MILLIONS OF THEM OCCUPY LARGE SPACE IN RUSSIA. The question why Zelesnky don't want those Ukrainians back or the return of those Ukrainians from Russia is mind boggling. Who is he? He's the man who doesn't like peace to keep on fighting and killing fellow Ukrainians always asking aid and support from other countries to continue the war. His obsession and hatred for Putin is beyond the abyss or his motive is simply a propaganda of WAR & THE BILLIONS OF DOLLARS HE RECEIVED FROM BLIND SUPPORTERS OF HIS INSANITY. After the aid is gone he'll find another blind funder for his non-stop war. But just like he did with Trump he wont apologize and he wont offer anything for those funds. He disregard the 350 BILLIONS of DOLLARS that USA had funded him. Ungrateful in the sense that he thought he is in the right way and the fools agreed with him. How stupid. No wonder there's always war and rumors of war because of those who for whatever speak English cannot comprehend their own language.

Those who survived with fragments of the nuclear side effects have to suffer from any form of CANCER.

Remember the bravery of  BEN FOGLE who did a documentary in Chernobyl? What happened to him? He is suffering from cancer now.

The latest of the casualty are Ukrainians because for whatever reason they planted landmines in their own yard to guard them from Russians. Ukrainians are the killers of their own people. 

LANDMINES are the leading cause of death during CAMBODIA & VIETNAM WAR. They too killed their own people.

US Soldiers used to call it HAMBURGER HILL because its a meat grinder. 

You step on landmines, you explode and you end up hamburger!!

CRITICAL MINERALS? What the hell dude, US have more critical minerals. What are you talking about? CRITICAL MINERAL of landmine disposal? Yeah those are very CRITICAL because they are sensitive to touch. KUWAIT have them before.

LITHIUM? Uranium? GARBAGE!! Your batteries are from garbage!! You just need a Marie Curie who has the expertise. By the way Marie Curie was Russian born genius. Sadly she is no longer with us.

350 MILLIONS OF PEOPLE IN AMERICA CAN PROVIDE LITHIUM.  You don't need Ukraine for lithium or uranium. 


Look USA had more agricultural products than Ukraine. Their wheat, corn, potatoes, and other produce is not that better than Americans. Even farmers from Poland used to oppose Ukraine's produce. 

UKRAINE is being helped by many countries in the world because still fresh from their minds are the lives loss in 1986 CHERNOBYL NUCLEAR DISASTER. Yeah let's have pity for those people. Unearth them one by one and bury those mummified beings.



 SHOCKING!!!!!!! The Shout Match at the WHITE HOUSE between POTUS TRUMP Zelenskyy & JD Vance.

WTH. Almost like an earthquake. It's the first time in the Oval Office wherein a foreign dignitary was having a fit with the President of the United States. Disrespectful.

Zelensky is being "cocky!"

Usually, the common courtesy, every foreign diplomat wear the most common attire in a well combed suit. Black & tie, formal dress or formal suit attire. That's first sign or symbol of respect. It should be. It is the most proper form of ettiquette especially if you are to sign a document, the most important document PEACE DEAL. In a PEACE DEAL DOCUMENT everything you need to know are "written" all you need to do is to READ THEM before you sign it.

This is the most "common" business like process.


HUMILITY. Be humble. You don't need to  act arrogant. He was interviewed after the "match at the WH." He wont apologize. What is he still doing in the US? Another 15 minutes of FAME? He thinks he is acting in a comedy series?

Did you seen Pres. Putin (Russia) acting arrogant towards Trump? Did you see Pres. Macron (France) and Pres. Starmer (UK) and other leaders of the world acting arrogant? Even when the Queen Elizabeth II had a talk with  other leaders of the world, did she used her power in overbearing attitude? NO. They talked and walked, conversed in a very diplomatic approach.

ON being thankful showing gratitude, we heard Zelenskyy saying it all the time that's why it seems without weight. What Trump and JD Vance is sincerity. You can say thank you all the time but there are certain "gratitude" that outweighs everything.

There are simple words aside from the words THANK YOU, PLEASE, PARDON, EXCUSE ME that when used appropriately meant a lot.

I think Zelensky is the one that needs de-briefing every time he is shown to the MEDIA. He is an actor!! He thinks he can brought his appeal and charm to some idiots that you know.

He is the man who keeps showing to every meeting, conference "un-announced." Zelensky kept chasing former Pres. Biden everywhere he goes, in Europe, in Brazil. He is not invited from G7 conference, he just appeared all of a sudden. Something is weird about him. This is a sign of a  "         ." His "chasing" Biden is quite alarming. YOU THINK THAT'S NORMAL?

Some people who are critic of Trump thinks Zelensky as a hero. Duh. Something's wrong with you people who owned guns to protect your family. During the Biden years, Zelensky showed up wherever Biden is like as if he is a stalker wanting more money and weapons for their arsenal. Wanting more billions of dollars from Trudeau. Did he asked help from Europe? From NATO? After the USAID was stopped he wants to join NATO.  Are they really using those weapons for real or they are "stocking up?" is he being a jackal? THINK ABOUT THAT AMERICANS!!

DO YOU KNOW WHY YOU HAVE TO BEAR ARMS?  Every American should know about that. HISTORY... History... History. Or you want John Wayne to teach you about why.

EUROPE WAS ONCE DOMINATED BY THE NAZI EMPIRE. Did you know that? Russia was an ally of the US during their fight with the NAZI during World War II. READ HISTORY and ask yourself who are with the AXIS OF EVIL.



I know you seem to like Zelensky. But if you are a psychologist... the guy thinks he is Napoleon wanting to gain fame through the media in the face of humiliating the host. He is brave to do that. If he is that brave enough why he is using the  Ukrainians as his shield? Why not he just ask for a duel one on one with Putin. Why he wants a bloody war losing millions of people through tragic war?

On who really invade or start the WAR in Ukraine or what really happened to that NATO MILITARY EXERCISES... all NEWS NETWORKS should submit the ARCHIVE records of their news during the event. They should have a  re-run of the events leading to the invasion. If its a war or just a demolition project. Include the clip video of all those Ukrainians inside the Russian tanks.

ZELENSKY had amassed BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in AID FROM THE US & CANADA and had Ukrainians Refugees fled to POLAND, RUSSIA, ROMANIA, CANADA, US and BELARUS. There are 12 MILLION UKRAINIANS IN RUSSIA. MILLIONS!! They occupy space in Russian territory. What Zelensky wants actually is a constant war after war so that AID is pouring for his country. Have you seen his office? Zelensky's presidential office is better than the Trump's White House Oval Office. That's what other leaders from other countries are doing, the continuous war so that the foreign aid is non-stop. It's like you aid them to keep on fighting and fighting just like your kids playing video games which is too addicting.