Saturday, March 1, 2025


 To prove the WAR or INVASION happened they are unearthing graves of those who died from "the war" or PANDEMIC and could be from the effect of the CHERNOBYL. You have to remember that too many millions of lives loss and those who were left behind are left unburied in Ukraine. 

MILLIONS OF UKRAINIANS just abruptly fled, in panic, and covered themselves in RUSSIA without hesitation accept them with open arms. MILLIONS OF THEM OCCUPY LARGE SPACE IN RUSSIA. The question why Zelesnky don't want those Ukrainians back or the return of those Ukrainians from Russia is mind boggling. Who is he? He's the man who doesn't like peace to keep on fighting and killing fellow Ukrainians always asking aid and support from other countries to continue the war. His obsession and hatred for Putin is beyond the abyss or his motive is simply a propaganda of WAR & THE BILLIONS OF DOLLARS HE RECEIVED FROM BLIND SUPPORTERS OF HIS INSANITY. After the aid is gone he'll find another blind funder for his non-stop war. But just like he did with Trump he wont apologize and he wont offer anything for those funds. He disregard the 350 BILLIONS of DOLLARS that USA had funded him. Ungrateful in the sense that he thought he is in the right way and the fools agreed with him. How stupid. No wonder there's always war and rumors of war because of those who for whatever speak English cannot comprehend their own language.

Those who survived with fragments of the nuclear side effects have to suffer from any form of CANCER.

Remember the bravery of  BEN FOGLE who did a documentary in Chernobyl? What happened to him? He is suffering from cancer now.

The latest of the casualty are Ukrainians because for whatever reason they planted landmines in their own yard to guard them from Russians. Ukrainians are the killers of their own people. 

LANDMINES are the leading cause of death during CAMBODIA & VIETNAM WAR. They too killed their own people.

US Soldiers used to call it HAMBURGER HILL because its a meat grinder. 

You step on landmines, you explode and you end up hamburger!!

CRITICAL MINERALS? What the hell dude, US have more critical minerals. What are you talking about? CRITICAL MINERAL of landmine disposal? Yeah those are very CRITICAL because they are sensitive to touch. KUWAIT have them before.

LITHIUM? Uranium? GARBAGE!! Your batteries are from garbage!! You just need a Marie Curie who has the expertise. By the way Marie Curie was Russian born genius. Sadly she is no longer with us.

350 MILLIONS OF PEOPLE IN AMERICA CAN PROVIDE LITHIUM.  You don't need Ukraine for lithium or uranium. 


Look USA had more agricultural products than Ukraine. Their wheat, corn, potatoes, and other produce is not that better than Americans. Even farmers from Poland used to oppose Ukraine's produce. 

UKRAINE is being helped by many countries in the world because still fresh from their minds are the lives loss in 1986 CHERNOBYL NUCLEAR DISASTER. Yeah let's have pity for those people. Unearth them one by one and bury those mummified beings.


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