Friday, March 7, 2025

Weather WEATHER Weather

 CLOUDY DAY with chance of rainfall. How about meatballs?  Oh why we need showers today? First of all the signs of quakes... you don't like dry lands when earthquake strikes.

We don't have skyscrapers that tower over 100 stories at the island. So... is tsunami possible if there's an earthquake here?  Dunno for sure.

 Showers where dry forest need it to prevent wildfires again and again.

Lightning strikes? We studied so much of lightning. Even Nikola TESLA studied lightning and that was how electricity and EV had its beginning. Actually electricity was already been being used in the 1800's just that Benjamin Franklin still adamant in using them right away when his own people still believe in witchcraft. He doesn't like being called a "witch" or else he'll be hanged at the gallows or executed on bonfire with public scrutiny.

Anyway, cloudy day is okay on Friday, for a weekender to nonsense. LOL

Hey watched that Miley Cyrus old movie "LOL'"

What else I watched recently? 

How about THE NEW MUTANTS: Teenagers having extra powers, ESP, Telekinetic power, animalistic behaviours talent with fire, ability to disappear or invisibility, powers of brainwashing, etc, etc. A highly skilled female scientist had them "controlled in a controlled facility to study them, control their behaviour and tested their blood, analyzed them and exterminate if they cannot control their powers.  Yeah, somewhat a Stanley Milgram experiment coupled with Maslow's method of exploitation. PURE EVIL. The female scientist was kind of "concern" showing signs of remorse for those mutant kids however she became vile and evil that she died later in the end. Too bad. 

Well, there are too many of her kind in reality. You know those "feeling concerned healthcare workers" but the true nature of their work is just for the money. The truth is "some of them" have no emotional intelligence. While "few" of them are "psycho" with psycho episodes.  So many movies and television series being attributed about them. However, not all of them are... you can pin point the good ones, the most remarkable, kind human beings who are saintly and with the power to heal.

Tell me how many EXPERIMENTS being used in Canada and the US?

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