Friday, July 25, 2014


You know what other countries are doing to STOP MIGRATION? They provide a noisy spectacle of civil war. Proven to be one of the most wisest and most clever effective way to prohibit legal and illegal migrants from entering a sovereign state. Otherwise protecting their own people from those who will take away the nation's wealth intended for their own people. TRUE. Charity always begin at home. What is home when you cannot provide wealth and welfare to your own children?

Monday, July 21, 2014

Problems with the sky train in Vancouver as in "getting stuck" to the railway? People are so used to be in the fast lane and everybody wants to go home right away. The easy way -out. The FASTEST anybody or everybody to get home is through the BULLET TRAIN which is available in Japan.

Maybe the Canadian government will order the bullet train next.

Even the computer texting is so slow nowadays. Getting stuck as if somebody is "blocking" the conversation. Wow!

The ANALYZER ROBOTIC watchdog is probably listening and tracking every conversation on earth.

That could happen you know.

There are so many DRONES flying in Canadian and American air space so as many UFO's wherein so many of us are taking for granted.

Anyway, EARTH is still Earth and people are still people not soylent green.

Please SLOW DOWN once in a while thereby saving yourself and energy.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Do You Think Spitting Is Bad?

Did you know that SPITTING in public is against the law?

In oil rich countries especially in the Middle East spitting is forbidden. You'll be put to jail when you're caught spitting.

Spitting saliva in Singapore is also not allowed. Spitting chewing gum and spitting whatever, wherever and anything   inside your mouth is forbidden. You're not only be put to jail but you'll pay certain fine.
