Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Friday, April 17, 2009

What's NEW?

How you can promote CANADA the country, the nation?

Too many smart people in Canada thought that it's best to hire Americans to do the promotion. What the ----!

Absolutely that is totally ridiculous!!

Heard the song of Robin Williams as he sung "Blame Canada?" Blame Canada so that Canadians wont blame them? That was an old song, too old for me to remember the lyrics. It happened in Year 2000! After that is 2001 and it's all about know just like the movie.

AFTER that is somewhat chaotic eventful disaster after disaster happened in America!!!

I don't know if the megaphone really help.

Anyway, I'm not that too genius to relate sorrowful mysteries after Year 2000 - the Millenium era. Maybe Mr. Rick Mercer has a better chance or opportunity to help explain as much as PROMOTE CANADA INTO THE NEW WORLD.

Besides, don't you know that there will be WINTER OLYMPIC GAMES IN VANCOUVER in 2010? That alone is a worldwide promotion of Canada and its multi-diversed people.

You have George of The Hour. Peter Mansbridge, the news anchor, Sandy Rinaldo, Brent Butt and the cast of the CORNER GAS. You know too many canadian actors and actresses who should promote CANADA and its eco-tourism giving this huge land a chance in the market world.

You have Prime Minister STEPHEN HARPER who should lead the campaign of promoting his own native land, the forest industry, the giant iceberg,the WATER, the hydro, rocky mountain high, alpine resort, the prairies, the wheat plantation and their 'friendly accomodating people."

Oh by the way, another provincial election would be taking in place again in May. Darn! Can I just appoint the government officials? Because another election would mean more expenditures and then would end up to nothing once again.

You can always have the former PM PAUL MARTIN back at work. that's if you want. Or have Brian Mulroney. The more controversial the leader is to a country the more free publicity taking place around the globe. You don't need to hire the press.

What about Min. GORDON CAMPBELL for Prime Minister of Canada?