Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Walking Dead Again?

Why you should not wear ZOMBIE costume on Halloween night and do your trick or treats on every door at your neighborhood? Simply because I don't want you to end up like Bill Murray in ZOMBIELAND (starring Jesse Eisenberg, Woody Harrelson, Emma Stone and that little girl named Abigail Breslin?)

Have you seen the episode:" |Thank You "  yet of the WALKING DEAD? In this episode Nicolas died, he is a look-alike of the leading character Glenn Rhee, the boyfriend of Maggie (Steven Yeun). The zombies were after Nicolas and Glenn and they were cornered along the wire fence, the two guys managed to climb the dumpster (big garbage bin) Nicolas couldn't fathom the large crowd of zombies around them that he committed suicide despite Glenn's warning. One of the guy fell from the dumpster and all of a sudden the crowd of zombies started to get their claws savagely ripping off his body and his blood and intestines were all over the place. It was gut wrenching scene and Glenn was yelling and screaming non-stop. That's the last scene showing Glenn and Nicolas.

Could it be that Nicolas was on top of Glenn and it was Nicolas's body that those hungry savage zombies are having for lunch?

Could it be that Glenn was having a nightmare?

While Rick Grimes was running fast to get to Alexandria so that he could help the group of survivors who were attacked by the people called "wolves." He was able to get to the fenced line and managed to drive the RV and made contact to Glenn but no answer, only from Daryl who was still in the "death march" together with Abraham and the girl inside the car. With large population of the zombies following them, there's really just one false move and they'll be  instant food for these zombies. Rick Grimes were then attacked by the group of "wolves" and was able to shoot them one by one, but because of the sound the zombies started coming towards his RV. Uhm, dunno what's the next episode. Wait until next sunday.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Shocking Unforgettable Scenes of WALKING DEAD

It was quite upsetting to watch a horror drama with lots of action and suspense. Too intense for those viewers who are new to this kind of gory macabre scary apocalyptic scenario but if you are used to watching zombie movies nothing can scare you unless of course something happened unexpectedly like what happened on your favorite number one zombies series. The first time I was blown away by this raging savage zombie series,the episode when the pregnant wife (Lori) of Rick Grimes was about to deliver her baby and there's no doctor around to help her and no medical supply, only Maggie and Carl Grimes who are not prepared nor do not know what to do, they are not doctors and they have NO knowledge about operation. Even doctors can't do it only SURGEON. Right GP can't perform surgery. They were in sort of trauma and panic because at the same time they were being attacked by zombies inside the prison. So shocking that Maggie slashed or cut open the womb of Carl's mom > LORI without anaesthesia because that's what Lori asked so that at least they can save the baby. SHOCKING!  I don't know why she cannot push her baby out or have normal delivery. Could be the infant is so big or breach whatever but that's the unexpected unbelievable scene that is uncalled for. The next fatal blow is when Beth (the sister of Maggie) is being rescued by Rick Grimes from the claws of Dawn at the hospital. Beth stabbed Dawn on her chest and in sudden impact of reflex that Dawn fired her gun and shot Beth to death, in retaliation Dawn was killed afterwards. It was the moment of truth that justice is fast and quick just like that. Instantly without words being uttered. That scene was horrible. Fans of Walking Dead series once again got the shock they never even want.

Next, the TERMINUS scenes when the main cast were taken as survivors and the Terminus would like to help the group of Rick Grimes, instead the unknown cult group will use them actually as "food"  Next shocking ordeal was the slaughter scenes at the chapel. One by one, the group of Rick Grimes stabbed the Terminus guy to pieces. He was bludgeoned to death. All these gory scenes were horrible and so freaky that no kind of words are enough to describe apocalyptic events. Well, if that's true to life would you be caught in such dramatic horror where dead people walk and eat anything that moves and bite, eat, gnaw, gobble up  human beings? Vampires are too lame, they only suck fresh blood from their victims. Zombies are notorious they eat flesh, all body parts just to satisfy their hunger.

You don't have to be a hero! You don't wanna be a hero and lose your life for the sake of saving another life. SAVE & RESCUE somebody's life when you have enough power, muscle power, lots of money, when you don't know where to put your money like you want to share them until you don't have any. Well, that's for those people who think that praises will uplift them. That's another story not WD.

EPISODE: THANK YOU is a matter of analyzing whether to help or rescue somebody can only lead to losing your own life. Think twice! Analyze. Listen to advice and suggestion. Too late?

For your safety on Halloween night or Halloween festivity, please wear fantasy or beautiful costumes. DO NOT WEAR ZOMBIE COSTUMES. You'll never know how people will react once you look-like too good to be true zombie-like creatures. It's for your own safety.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Spinning Is Relevant To The Story

Who are listening? The leprechauns are listening? Ha ha ha! The movie with too many sequels, actually 4 sequels to be enjoyed by movie watchers who love LEPRECHAUNS the movie has returned on TV. These obnoxious leprechauns are hungry for GOLD.

THE CORE has returned too for you to view and listen to the many details of what a boring machine can do for the planet earth. Great for would be Earth Science scientist and geologist to understand the many layers of cover the Earth is composed of,  from its crust, mantle to the inner core of molten rock and lava. The Earth is a frozen volcano as we all know. Oh no! Not so many people knew that eh? That's why those scientists tried to control all the possible ways to minimize the boiling point. Oh my, you better watch it in such an elaborate fiction story just like THE CORE movie to better understand your planet. I'm going zoom-zoom to planet Saturn so that I could spin some more yarn, he he he.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Same Old Rotten Politics

Maybe she wants me to honor her in my blog. Maybe she wants to win. However, my BLOG is not stupid. You can utter or speak evil because it's OCTOBER and when it's October it's the fear fest and feast of anything terrifying, frightening to the bones.

You probably are enjoying most of the free movies available on TV, just like us here , we enjoyed yesterday's spectacle of the HALLOWEEN marathon. My oh, my the screaming fit of a girl trying to escape from Michael Myers who killed all the nurses, doctors and hospital workers and you could ask yourself why nobody has the chance or  call the police or let say no one was able to escape safely. What kind of human is Michael Myers? It's because of this plot story that movie watchers keep on watching the many sequels of Halloween movies because it's frightening and maybe because screaming tends to ease pain and stress. It's a pain reliever.

To become a great debater, to become an eloquent speaker it must start from the very beginning of early life... from childhood. You must practice, practice , practice! That's what the former Pres. Marcos did. Just like what the Olympians did to win they keep on practicing their skills.You must keep on talking and talking. Talk in front of the mirror and an audience. You must also practice the rote system. Keep on memorizing. Have that confidence to talk to many people and show your power of persuasion. Think and talk. Let the audience feel they are always welcome in your circle. Audience can relate to your topic of discussion if your story is almost similar to them. Giving example of what your story is all about and the sense of purpose is clear and clean then the more people can relate to you. I don't talk much. I don't have plans of becoming an orator. I like writing and that's my forte, to write, write, write. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Whew that looks like a long wave, a bridge, a dam, plants, could be a snake, a long fence, hmm, whatever but it's not stupid. More symbolism to make you think?

Anyway, it's not always the case. They can relate to your story but that doesn't mean you can be successful. Power of expression and persuasion is always futile once they get so bored because it should not be the same story all the time. No one likes to hear replay. Most of all people are so damn fed up about replays and on and on non-stop politics. People want change of the bullshitting corruption and lying and you thought they are ignorant about what's happening? NO. I am so fed up about so many lies, deception and fed up of those people who have the power to change things but can't change the way things are and can't follow direction because of intimidation. Is there anything that we can all agreed upon as in once upon a time and they lived happily ever after theme?. But as usual it's gonna be the same old moldy politics again. No matter what happened, baliktarin mo man ang mundo ganun pa rin ang mangyayari. Nakakasawa na. Really it points up to >  you cannot or nobody can rule millions of people like they can follow the law like they are some obedient puppies.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

CHANGE, change, change

I think they have nothing to tackle today that I have to provide some info. Did you know that in TODAY's world it's better to have NEW IMAGE build-up because the MEDIA is so powerful nowadays since the INTERNET bloom. Movie stars, celebrities, and showbiz personalities had problem with their image that MOST of them have to re-shuffle themselves into different "new face and prosthetics" and in this " new make-over" other than photoshopped images,  they have to CHANGE their names.

Yes dudette, that's THE CHANGE.

Is that the kind of CHANGE you want?

There's nothing to get jealous about or envy these people because it's part of their lives. If their OLD IMAGE doesn't make money they have to CHANGE their names and face to make money. However, with changing face and name they lose their own family and friends. Others will FAKE their death. Well, only for those who can get away with murder!

Problem with these CHANGEs so great that they have to start over again to make names for themselves. They will start from the bottom > up once again.

CHANGE. Change. change.

Watch BODY SNATCHERS and have a new body!

Friday, October 2, 2015

T.V. Surely Is Here To Stay Forever

BORN HEROES ( HEROES REBORN). Another tele-series where most of the leading characters have hidden talents and power. This is the sequel to the original HEROES mini-tv-series before, side by side with LOST (blockbuster TV thriller). Very interesting stories but complicated, it's complicated that each character has its story of its own. You want to be a hero? You need heroes when there's always shooting in schools. Oregon has adapted the Colorado shooting rampage. How true? Tutuo or gimmick?

Looks like from Monday to Sunday there's something to be very busy and have our eyes glued on TV.

MONDAY: Dancing With The Stars, Gotham, THE VOICE, BLINDSPOT
FRIDAY: AMAZING RACE (U.S.A.)>>1st episode have them flying to Brazil.
SATURDAY:  ? What to do on Saturday?

Watching television shows and programs are still the most favorable,  not so costly entertaining ourselves at the comfort of our homes.

Everyday programs on NICK TV is unbelievably my daughter's choice even if they are old reruns. Tsk! tsk! The Big Bang Theory? ETALK? Whatever!!!!! Sometimes I watched them...

TV NEWS are of course always welcome in our television however be honest with your newscasting because if you screwed up with the news you are responsible and accessory to whatever WAR in other parts of the world and you'll be tried as part of the conspiracy.