Monday, April 30, 2012

Digging for information seems a job action for the low profile individuals yet if you'll analyze such kind of "digging" it meant literally and you might get jealous with Harrison Ford and Brendan Fraser. Those two famous actors are sure winner when it comes to digging. ARCHAEOLOGISTS the "digger." Then here comes Angelina Jolie the female lead in the "digging category." Oh my! As if there is no other job around on earth and look at those teams on Amazing Race? Millions of dollar at stake with that popular game race so if you watched them at last night's episode digging dirt dumped by the elephants on the grounds of India you'll wonder if one million dollars worth it. Truth is even if you dig so much dirt on earth you wont win one million dollars. Simply because the chance of winning is irrelevant in our time and age. Besides you are not part of that game show. You are not a contestant. Not a chance. But you'll have a chance by buying lottery ticket and the chance is one in one million people. That's if you'll BUY a ticket! I think I asked this question already > why they always go to India? What's in India they have to visit everytime? As time progress did you notice the land area? The people and the site where they usually land for the show? It looks like an area zone somewhere in Philippines. The trees are so familiar, mostly acacia trees. The area looks like Fort Bonifacio during the early years of 1966. The river looks like old ancient Pasig river. The old Divisoria and Sampaloc in Manila has similarities with India's rural area. Anyway, if you are really used to travelling you'll find out that Paco is one area zone where the Sikhs, the Hare Khrishna's reside. If Quiapo and Binondo is a place where the Chinese used to unite because that's where China Town is. Paco is where the many East Indian inhabitants live. Then I looked at the mirror and when I mentioned them, their nationalities and my face suddenly turned to EI. Aahahhahaha. I could be Chinese. I could be Japanese. But I am a Filipina! Oh my what a chameleon.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

What To Watch?

What's up here at my Media Blog? Nothing much to report here aside that majority of the Filipinos are voting for Jessica Sanchez,an American Idol contender once hailed as Mexican not a Filipina. As soon as she was on top 8 then they realized she is a Filipina. Uhm, too good to be true eh? Maybe she is a Filipina because of her "looks" you know...who would have thought she is a real Filipina only her parents knew. A Filipina can always be mistakenly be known as Malay, Indonesian, Chinese, Polynesian, East Indians, Hawaiian,Vietnamese, Thailander, Japanese or Korean. In other words ASIANS have familiar characteristic when it comes to skin color, shape of face, color of eyes, shape of eyes, nose,lips. Just look at their FACE their images and features > similarities are prominent and evidently been recognized. While the White Race or Caucasian have prominent facial features similar to Europeans,Americans, Canadians,Spanish, Latin Americans. Prominent features in the shape of nose, color eyes and skin. Most of them are white, white skin, blonde hair or lighter hair color. Because their water system has more chlorine or there is not much sunshine in their environment? Can cooler colder region make your skin whiter? Or its because your parents are actually Americans or Europeans? You think environment and weather or climate is the biggest factor that can make you look like American or Canadian? Based from observation, in the Philippines, the inhabitants of Manila have fair skin tone and their skin texture are smoother and better than the rest of the population in that country. That you can probably think that because the water system is well equipped and purified. While in the province people live along the beaches, their water system is not that 100% purified because they use artesian well and pump. Also because some of them work on the field and farm their lands under the heat of the sun. Also any human beings be of dark or fair skin and subjected themselves under the sun's mighty heat and rays you'll know that the scorching heat of the sun will turn their skin into darker skin tone. Just like those babes on TV Show Survivor. How they end up having brown skin. They wont need a suntanning bed to look like asians. The best example of what really happened to Europeans when they colonized Philippines. Who would have thought our Forefathers were actually White people. The Caucasians. But know what every TV fan's up to is the continuation of the AMAZING RACE. The rest of the world are after the GAMES. The Canucks no longer in the hockey game playoffs and I'm not after watching any hockey game after that. So what we're looking forward is the BC LIONS the Champ from last year. TORONTO BLUE JAYS? Do I have to watch it? If I see it they should win otherwise there are other things & stuff to do and watch. Because truth is it's very depressing when the favorite teams lose the game. That's why!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Expect The Unexpected

So JESSICA SANCHEZ was about to be booted off the American Idol and suddenly the SAVE button was as QUICKflash like lightning. Is it? You mean to say that "automatically" have Jessica on Top One? That she is the American Idol? Jessica who hailed from Mexico or from Mexico as what they said and now being talked about that she is a Filipina! Right on!Almost majority of Filipinos/nas have Mexican or Spanish names. Indeed when the Spaniards colonized Philippines and had conquered the archipelago the Spanish friars baptized almost every natives in that island having to name them according to the plan and to the Book imposed to them by King Philip or the Spanish King. Is Mexico in the Philippines? I'm hallucinating right now that Philippines is so big that almost all the Eastern part of the world belongs to Philippines. It could be. Looking at the map Philippines is so small but maybe due to strategic plans made by the most powerful people on earth.It was deemed so small. It was small in comparison with bigger land that turned out to be sitting or iceberg. As I remember there are too many land bridges connecting the archipelago to the next island. The Philippines at the center and all the bridges connecting the 8 provinces are actually countries of its own. Anyway so what makes Jessica special? Here's the clue: you have Josh, Elese and Jessica on the right side of the stage.They are somewhat a distinct reflection of the three judges of the show and you have the "white caucasians" on the left side of the stage. Psychology baby! Simple logic!

What makes these contestants special? Aren't they already singers and crooners? Don't tell me you cannot recognize FACE?

The question of Jessica being a Mexican or American or Filipino but what? Is it about nationality? Is it about talent? Aren't they all talented? Heejun Han is talented too and some of the ten other finalist. But of course they are choosing the BEST of them all.

For God sake! Why don't you have Enrique Iglesias? Shania Twain or Rex Smith...oh I know you want a younger singer. You like somebody like Justin Bieber!!

You like somebody that is versatile. Someone who can sing beautiful songs with beautiful lyrics. A great performer who is great in different variety of music be of rock, country, ballad, blues, jazz, pop, and can sing and dance. Most of all have knowledge and skills using musical instrument. If you're a singer you should know how to use guitar, organ, piano, clarinet, trumpet, banjo,and drum or violin. That's how to excel in showbizness. Perfect utilization of almost everything within that range, and specialization. Otherwise there are better and greater and more than special than you are. And that's why some musicians are LEGENDary.

Now what? They want a PROTEGE!