Tuesday, August 31, 2010

According to Jane Goodall, "the modern warfare is about ECONOMICS."

So, it's either you be the chimp or the champ that I must inform everyone so that you  can all sleep peacefully, happilly and without a doubt soundly.

Monday, August 30, 2010

What inside your mind is also inside your bag, backpack and laptop

From Folgers to Hills Bros. to Folgers again? It depends. Depends not D E F E N C E. Hmm---would it be nice and wonderful if I work for the Ministry of Defence? With all my high tech armour and death defying stunts and robotic feature of my eyes and voila the many laser beams in and out of my shiny sword, wow! couldn't ask for more than a scene of Star Wars and futuristic fantasy movie of Voltes 5 and additional comedy enhanced features of the fabulous creations of the mind.

Okay let's get back to reality for there are too many news stories that are way out of bounds trying to infiltrate my serene atmospheric capsule. Right now I'm here at the dock trying to be at fierce with the many youngsters who act as if they are little professors. Yeah the truth is I think they all wear those "masks." Don't try to teach your kids about dishonesty for they might back fire at you.

I hve encountered so much untrustworthy characters and every word they say or comes out from their mouth is uterly uber dominance of LIES and deceptions. Next time make sure that when you promise to say something make it real. Be truthful or otherwise your dishonesty will stay right there at your ass and arse.

Oh by the way, let me tell you about this video regarding a guy who is nosy at the campus trying to find students with backpack and asked what's inside their back pack. It was hilarious and if you are interested you can watch it for yourself an maybe learn from that wholesome entertaining video. Just visit INTELwebsite and find out what am talking about because for me to tell you the whole story will just spoil the result of that "study."

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Coffee Effect

I realized that B L O G G I NG is highly competitive work and source of employment for many of the would be next genre of famous authors of books, whom some of them already claimed they are actually "authors of books published and some of their books have catapulted as bestsellers"...let me congratulate you people for being famous. Not that I'm riding to their poplarity!? Ha! No way. I have my own vehicle.

By the way to those who haven't pay or forgot to pay for the loads and the next payload I am giving you the warning in advance. That's me, direct, straightforward, outspoken, well mannered and most of all my etiquette is still the proverbial guardian of those whose lame work wont even pass the quality test. But since I am more than willing to accept imperfections so that we can sell them instead of collecting them to the Vatican. That I wish to let it be known.

My style? Where did I get my style? Who's footsteps I followed?

You wont believe I love Ernest Hemingway's style. Simple, concise, straightforward, direct and not much pompous vocabulary trying to deceive and elude his readers. I eat 3x a day. Let me clarify that> it's food that I'm eating. I have a good decent meal. Snacks are available if I want to. I cooked my own food and take drinks occasionally: pop, soda, coffee and juice. Wine or beer? Maybe on Christmas Day, New year or Thanksgiving Day. See I don't have any vice except that I write too much. With the food intake every now and then still manage to have a healthy lifestyle and mind you not all that I write here is about grandeur, nor halucinations and illusions.

Imaginations? Maybe when I had too much coffee in my veins. That's my blood runneth over. Crazy eh? Okay I'm having my nervous break right now. My hands are twitching and trembling. Darn bad coffee! Ahahhahahahaaaaaaaaaa.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Are you such a sucker for an attention? As much as possible I don't intend to let others know what I am writing here especially when somebody can just tell others that what I am blogging here belongs to them. Isn't that crazy? Yeah there are so many mean people in this world that they don't know what courtesy means. Too many users that they have these so called "habitual" sense of manipulating the works of other people. Although several people or bloggers whom I can relate to and tell the whole world who are more than honest in dealing with their readers. These helpful people who are wholesomely empowered to do their job as literary agent (?) are you really? Lol. Just can't help ask that question because too many literary agents who are "older" or about to retire and having to see a very young lit. agent is somehow unbelievable. It is. I am so much in doubt. That it must be some sort of fakey? How many fakes in this world nowadays? How many are real? With too many rubber trees that produced rubber and corn plants that can produce plastic while with over populated countries what can you get? I am such a nosey philosopher, not a nosey neighbor. Although would like to be in both shoes.

I am such a critical thinker if I want to knowing what happened to the garden hose we had outside makes me think. We had that long hose outside only to have seen it cut short makes me wonder. Almost anything, everything makes me wonder and think how the hell that happened. Who did the cutting?

You know curiousity doesn't kill a cat. I 'm more than a cat. Why there is so much curiousity in me? I was BORN with it. The moment I had my two big brown eyes open and saw the very bright light and that what you call the illuminati the life giving life of light. Life has progressed since then. Light can close and open many possibilities and expectations. One thing that I have to get rid of? Nunya......

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

How old are the news of today? Are they having revival of the pastnews? I happened to read a Time Magazine article of "these people" I have nothing against them except that you should not trust your enemies. That's all. Learn something about Buddhism it might help you and your government.

What is buddhism? CONSCIENCE.

Also another story, a "fable" of some kind. Remember the sleeping almost dying snake? Venemous sort of breed. When the farmer touched it with his barehands it was near death from freezing cold.. It was dying so the farmer had it closer to the fire. After few hours, the snake started to move and hisssss back and forth. It was back to its normal state of being alive and well. The farmer was happy to find out that the snake has been revived. But...to the dismay of the farmer the snake bit him on his hand and he died instantly.

Friday, August 13, 2010

SEE I told you that he frequently was in and out of my blogs just to find out what I have written here. Then sending me several S IG N S at a command that is seldom followed by the G E N E R A L.

Dude or dudettes I don't need a V I S A. I can change this country according to the BIG P L A N that the original inhabitants of the earth WANT. And by the way this is NOT A JOKE.
Not that I only have the shogunate's tongue I also have the slipped of the pen and hands. I could have the invisible hands altogether and shout at the world "I'm on top of the world." Oh yeah!

I am on top of the mountain of Everest. Resting. Relaxing. Writing is an art of relaxation . Imagination. Imagining myself on op of the highest mountain. There is so much oxygen. Who said there is absence of oxygen here?

Nathaniel who once and for all caught in and out of the format setting of my blogs trying to find ways how he could publish my blogs without asking the original author of my blogs and experimental novels ...ME the author of course. I know. I know E V E r ThING. Missing a Y? Y is INCOME. A writer needs an income to better write articles or novels. OR writers will all starve from people reading all our works for F R E E. How sad. How sad to see bundles and tons of books, pocketbooks and bestsellers in the department stores and nobody ever dare look at.

What troubles each and everyone of us here is not the problem of publishing. See that PUBLISH POST tag in orange? You can click that right away and your post is published. But where? Here or on another website? Only Bloggers know. Only Google knows. They can sell it to anybody and you the writer who posted this wont be able to get anything. Somebody can just change your name to somebody else. That's how bad it is. It is BAD I know and I am still writing.

For the LOVE of blogging. That's why. I just love to write. If it makes sense that's good but it is make SO MUCH SENSE. There is so much W EA LTH in what I'm writing if there is none nobody wont dare STEAL them.

Hurricane? Would you like hurricane at your place? Make sure your house is sturdy enough to withstand the force of nature. What ou will gain from here will just an equivalent of your house ravaged by storm and hurricane. How awful that is.

Gasgas na yan one lonely creature said. OO na gasgas na it's redundant. That's why I keep warning you guys. Stay away from my property. If you've got nothing to do, don't do it here.

For those people who keep fighting against HST have a Mackenzie. Pwede ba luma na rin yang gimmick nyo. If you want to be the PM you should have billions of dollars to be the next PM. Know why? So that all of us wont RUN. You can start the new election by having BILLIONS OF DOLLARS. Or you might just let Prince William marry his longtime GF so that there's NEW NEWS otherwise it'sthe same old boring story with lots of moss and lichens on top.

TAKE NOTE: I wont settle for any smaller or lower mountain or we might just have them use as volcanoes.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Zippers And Coins

Bought dozen  zippers at the department store only to find out that they are too small for the many bags that I made. I really need to purchase them in a fabric store. I had longer zippers that I bought from a thrift shop but they are longer in size and the colors are not coordinated with the fabric that I bought recently. Even the fabric is expensive. Not that I have to complain besides it was paid by my sister. The textiles.

I'd like to tell you that old story when I happened to shop at the local thrift shop. Only 3 zippers and because they are too cheap I paid them in cash and then the rest of the coins I dropped them one by one in their penny and silver coin containers. Then she looked at me and asked if I need a bag for the zippers. I said no need. Then I searched inside my shoulder bag if I have some coins and dropped some more quarters, and pennies and five cents. I can't stop. I looked at their "piggy banks" as a fountain making a wish. The lady asked again what am doing and I said, "it's heavy on my purse." I have to take those coins out from my bag and gave to the ----Actually that is not what I have to say but because offending or insulting somebody is not really my kind of motive.

When I was a child wayback 19kopong kopong I have to cover my mouth with folded handkerchief so that I would be able to blurt out something that can hurt other people. My tongue is like a sword that can slash with the language that I used. Yup, shogun! You know that I have slipped of the tongue or my tongue's so quick to quip to say something inappropriate but that doesn't mean being impolite. Then looking at her face half smiling but nodding , the possiblity that she knew what I meant. That's if she had ESP. Or else it's a double trouble.

Then out of that thrift shop while I was holding on to those long zipper on my hands, a man outside, a stranger was staring at me ...and what I have on my hand. Great! Now what?  Then I almost isntanteniously thought to myself...I should have asked for the bag.

Right on the total money that I dropped on those coin containers  is worth more than the 3 zipper.

Monday, August 9, 2010

In search for new trendy fun games so out of the house and headed southwest to the big box store. We found something that will last in her DS lite to keep her busy maybe for the whole week or until she's done with the new game. That's my daughter who would rather keep herself alone in her room doing the same thing all the time, competing with the rest of the players > imaginary players of pokemon. Gotta catch them all. At least having the television set for myself when I want to watch news and latest discovery.

I have to continue the effort of having my project through thick and thin, yeah until I can afford the burden of the materials needed for that craft. Not the craft you imagined though. I would love to have a space craft or the UFO but hey that needs specialty, a the mind of an alien to create one super flying saucer.

At the cashier's corner, only to be dismayed when the clerk said something like if I need a bag for items that I bought at the store. I almost asked her do you want me to just carry those items without bag? How many items are those? probably about 20 items plus Lysol with bleach spray.You know such ridiculous question. Then it turned out just like Supersore wherein you have to pay for every grocery bags. You pay for plastic bags while you load your stuff inside because they don't have baggers to assist the customers. Then Zellers have the same idea now too that you have to pay five cents for every plastic bag.

What if you just said NO for those plastic bags, then you carry those stuff without a bag  and went out of the shop and suddenly there are people outside the shop and reported that you've stolen the stuff but actually YOU PAID for it it's just that you are so stingy to pay for five cents? Well, that could happen you know.  It could happen to you. It could happen every where. Because reporting a crime nowadays are paid by thousands. The point is , this kind of case is being laughed at the precint because the owner of the shop is laughing all the way to the bank because they MADE so much money by ripping off every customers they had because of OVER PRICING products. Some expired products being sold without customers awarness because expiry dates are too tiny microscopic to be seen by the naked eye. Um, caveat emptor, buyers beware!

Here's the very serious crimes > There are people and  group of people who had just stolen the whole country yet you cannot prosecute them. Then a group of individuals had stolen BILLIONS OF DOLLARS and the government cannot convict them either. But then a lonely homeless individual who had stolen a rotten vegetable from the supermarket was put behind bars. That's the justice system nowadays.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Punishments that the hackers will receive for hacking my computer? You bet you'll be axe from your work and be punished with lifetime in jail with no probation.

May I also suggest the Government of Canada to have the CENSUS mandatory so that we can also asked the many inhabitants of CANADA if they are really human beings or animals.

Questionnaires such as:

1. How many children each couple have?

2. How many people resides in one house?

3. How many husbands you have?

4. How many wives you have?

All basic personal questions so that we'll know how they live. I mean we should know if the husband and wife practice monogamy.

Question such as: How many hackers in the house. How many crimes they committed?

Why these kind of question? Having heard about the billion dollars worth of budget for P R I S O N we all should be wary and be concerned on the many anomalies going on. We need to be  A W A R E.

GOOD QUESTIONS such those above will lead me not to throw a HUGE ROCK from the asteroid belt. Such a prevention that no tidal wave and earthquake will ever shake the system and the whole planet earth.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

I happened to watch a short film clip of a Chinese Ahma who is too old enough for her household chores. She is afflicted with alzheimers and you know what it means when old is OLD and the normal function of such individual should be restrained or stop ready for the Old Age Retirement Program that it's best for the younger people to do the work. But what can you expect with the younger generation nowadays who are more than UNcapable of the tasks at home and at work? Would they be able to replace our generation of studious dependable workers? What they know about? That's the question.

Just look at the Parliament  in Canada and the Congress In USA, mostly the politicians are too old to even know who they really are, the kind of work they need to do and who are the people they meet everyday. Are they sure that those people are the same co-workers they used to talk to? I've been an observer of American politics and it seemed to me that some of them were alive since Abraham Lincoln was a President. Okay, okay that is a joke. Actually some of them cannot retire because they are afraid that if they stop working they wont receive any pension. they are too afraid that once they retire their investments would plummet or fall or somebody will replace them with unskilled politicians and would lead to the downfall of their State or country they worked for to restore democracy. Too many insecurities... old people getting insecured instead of being optimistic.

How can old people retire? In the Philippines, early retirement is almost mandatory and or if you worked for 20 years in the government you can have an early retirement. If you are still young and able to work you can apply for another work in another company. My Father worked at a very young age and retired early before reaching the age of 50 (years old), he found another job in another private company. Then retired at age 65 and still able to work outside his home in his garden, a small garden that he tends to cultivate raising jackfruits, banana trees, and veggies. If you're out of work make sure your hands and body are busy functioning normally so that the blood can circulate. Choice of hobbies can also help maintain the balance to a healthy living.

My sister retired from work as a Textile Specialist at a very young age too. She worked for too many companies before from Rustan's shopping center to PRC as a surveyor, then to Hospital Laboratory as a Laboratory technician, then lastly to that PTRI , retirement is too good to be true until she arrived here in Canada for a different kind of work. I myself have that kind of landing different kind of work. Not really what it says for my college course or diploma. You wont really get the job that is perfectly suited to what you have studied in school or university. There is no truth in having the kind of employment that perfectly fits everyone of us. General skills or knowledge is sometimes the best solution to adapt or adopt in the process.

Skill-building technology is what matter at this precious time. What the kids really want. What the students need to learn in school and university. Having them practice the basic skills and let them choose their specialization right away in High School so that time and money is not wasted. Make every learning institution similar to Olympic Games Org. were athletes are subjected to their special skills testing , being re-enforced or what makes them a better skilled student worker. You know OJT or On The Job training helps them to master the basic skills required for them to be the next replacement in the workforce.

I myself is getting old. I know. We all are going to that same place "Home for the Aged." Hopefully by that time I can still remember each one of you, especially my family, relatives and friends.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Is Too Much Knowledge Dangerous?

I love silk and the original story of SILK and how the raising of raw silk production is the most incredible beautiful story of all times. It's almost like a Cinderella story. However, with the new generation of today, silk is better used for bridal gowns, lingeries and silkscreen for printing designing T-shirts.

So my novel will stop for now because C O T T O N genie keeps spinning her own web.

Cotton, especially pure 100 % cotton is best suited for dry humid climate. It absorbs so much sweat and its cool baby.

The latest of today's rants is certainly group of people trying to have their V O I CE be heard. Signals such as FIRE, SMOKE, SOUND, BANNERS, FLAGS, and other peculiar SIGNs are not enough they have to climb the highest mountain, the highest tower or go deep down the Marianas Trench.

Lately, the Greenpeace advocates climbed the Calgary tower to have their banner sign be seen. Sign: "OIL SEPARATE STATE."

Ha? Yeah that's right. OIL is cash and that's why EURODOLLARs unite the EU. OIL = MONEY

While Pres. Aquino axed the Midnight appointees of former Pres. Arroyo

By the way, Midnight Oil is still in Australia?

Other news: Stckwell Day announced 9.5 billion budget allocated for the P R I S O N.  Less budget for educators and education and for our kids, the students ... and bigger budget for the prison? Hello!!!! Is there something wrong with that headline? Oh yeah, I know Canada is a country with enough knowledge, too many smart ass, the students are also educators so why bother have budget for education. That's what it is.


What happened now with Silk Spinning Novel? Uhm would rather have them settle for another title.  Maybe name it : A NOVEL WITHOUT A NAME.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Crazy Games exciting and New

Just as when I told you that my daughter is playing the game Chaotic: Shadow warrior in the morning and she finally ended that beasties before 7pm yesterday. That's why I saw her sorting out some of her old gamechips in her bag and boxes. Now what? She spent her hundred dollars and she'll have to wait for Christmas and birthdays for another game. Or unless if there'll be sale items at walmart or zellers or at superstore. And that's waiting at least 3 months or more.

Last nite we are terrified with that Exorcist movie,an old film. Not really my type of movie. So changed channel and here's what we found out. Fear Factor is back in one of the channels and this time the courageous men and women have to battle through many incredible tasks such as swimming through a tank half ful of piranhas. Yes dudes, creepy piranhas. The contestants have to dive and bite each piranha fish and throw it out from the tank within a time limit. Later they have to eat spiders. Yuck! They have to eat live spiders in order to win a beautiful shiny red car. Who the hell will do that? But guess what they did eat the spiders! Crazy. Crazy game. later they have to ride the 2 taxis hanging up 100 meters up on the air , taking out the banners or flags attached on each car's hood, front and back side of the car, then have to jump on another taxi cab and then repeat the same task of getting the flags from the sides of the car. Bizarre! What's goin' on with those guys? Even females are willing to do such stunts for the sake of a challenge to prove their guts, their courage under fire? And because that PRIZE and several other prizes are too much not to resist. For you know a brand new sports car is wrth more than $30,000.

Anyway, no one can beat the Amazing race with its ONE MILLION DOLLAR Game prize plus prizes to be won every after end of the show or weekly episode.

Later, noticed my daughter tied a piece of blue bandana  or scarf on her head. "What the -----! Are you okay I asked her." "Yeah"..she replied. I asked if she had headache but she quipped, "no."  Okay I am lost of what the cue is. she is probably an avid fan of American Dad or simply she is looking forward to a new version and latest episode of  Amazing Race of  Jerry Bruckheimer.

At least not those shows waiting and begging for coins, quarters and loonies and toonies...for the piggies! Lol.

So it is not awesome but AMAZING then.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Silk Spinning To A New Level

People just come and go inside my house, walking, running, and crawling like as if the house that I live in, residing is their own. Imagine having my house like a ramp for their career building orientation. My goodness what the hell, heaven on earth is with you folks?

You may have rings but my fisherman's ring bigger than anyone of you who have it. Even the vicar of Christ would be in shame and would just play the kid's game Ratchet Clank and Conker.

My daughetr is way out of those old games of yours. You are all caught copying. Change your old rotten ways.

The game now is called Chaotic: Shadow warriors. Oh Jeezwhiz why I always haveto remind these people? Not that they are part of the family tree. But since they started as extras to the famous Tiffany I have to tell first and foremost if they had a shower or keep them amazingly refreshed and soaked their bodies on warm bubble bath. You know I like people who are sweet scentedly refreshingly good not sun-soaked sweating smelly tele-tubbies. I tried to avoid those rotten animalistic scent of musk that its best to AXE them one by one.

Yea peeps you all have to shower everyday or have a bath twice a day because the scent of brute horsheshit stays at your mouth Grrrrr....just a good advice from me if you want to be in the limelight. Listerine and Colgate helps too.

You know that ASPEN cologne with refreshing citrus scent is great! Take one bottle and spray them down your whole body and I know for sure Drakkar noir is nothing, nor Poison will ever take place that Aspen of yours

Silk Spinning

Have you been fooled today? It's not April Fool's Day, uh oh, no not my cup of tea to fool anyone but there are several people I know who loves fooling somebody else. Anyway, how about a pool of soup? Or just pull somebody else from being so miserable?

Life is what you make it. I always read that quote in Reader's Digest. However my life is what I can call normal, ordinary life with not much cliche nor nothing sort of vulgar or pirated views. I don't play pirates or bulgarian...no way. But hey where you think babies would come out?

There's an acquaintance who once told me about pregnancy and the myth that accompanies within it. Like normal pregnancy is normal for some women because the V is bigger and women who happened to have caesarian operation their V is smaller. Know what I stared at that woman's face who seemed to be out of her mind and wonder what kind of education she had. Oh first let me tell you that she is a mother of two grown ups and she had two operations: caesarian. In her mind she had those 2 operations because her V is smaller than the rest of the women capable of having normal delivery.

What you don't know about delivery esp. delivering the baby into this world. Since it might offend her I decided to keep quiet about why the need for caesarian is needed when deliverning the baby out of the norm. Now have to shut up too cuz many women wont understand the consequences either because too many of them will be offended. Yes this portion is best tackled by OB Gyne. The experts.

Still sleepy here. Waiting for some good awesome news. Holiday in British Columbia. Great to be in other parts of BC picking grapes, strawberries, blueberries and raspberries but what the heck I already have apples not that am being desperate here. Too bad that those desperate housewives have apple for their image building ad which is superbly unfantastic. Laura loves to follow your mini-series. Not me though. I don't know what I want that's the problem. I want the whole world with me and the many planets to go with it. Nah, so lame.

Or I could have everything, anything within my grasp and say HELLO PEOPLE IT's OVER! Can I have my 3.5 BILLION DOLLARS   I shared at the Central Bank in 1985? Shared=Deposit with huge interest

Oh darn, now my daughter is screaming. Spinning.  Then my sons...GOD put me on earth to accomplish everything within a time limit and I am so FAR behind. Now let me COUNT again...

...   --.   - ...-

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