Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Is Too Much Knowledge Dangerous?

I love silk and the original story of SILK and how the raising of raw silk production is the most incredible beautiful story of all times. It's almost like a Cinderella story. However, with the new generation of today, silk is better used for bridal gowns, lingeries and silkscreen for printing designing T-shirts.

So my novel will stop for now because C O T T O N genie keeps spinning her own web.

Cotton, especially pure 100 % cotton is best suited for dry humid climate. It absorbs so much sweat and its cool baby.

The latest of today's rants is certainly group of people trying to have their V O I CE be heard. Signals such as FIRE, SMOKE, SOUND, BANNERS, FLAGS, and other peculiar SIGNs are not enough they have to climb the highest mountain, the highest tower or go deep down the Marianas Trench.

Lately, the Greenpeace advocates climbed the Calgary tower to have their banner sign be seen. Sign: "OIL SEPARATE STATE."

Ha? Yeah that's right. OIL is cash and that's why EURODOLLARs unite the EU. OIL = MONEY

While Pres. Aquino axed the Midnight appointees of former Pres. Arroyo

By the way, Midnight Oil is still in Australia?

Other news: Stckwell Day announced 9.5 billion budget allocated for the P R I S O N.  Less budget for educators and education and for our kids, the students ... and bigger budget for the prison? Hello!!!! Is there something wrong with that headline? Oh yeah, I know Canada is a country with enough knowledge, too many smart ass, the students are also educators so why bother have budget for education. That's what it is.


What happened now with Silk Spinning Novel? Uhm would rather have them settle for another title.  Maybe name it : A NOVEL WITHOUT A NAME.

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