FIRST CONGRESSIONAL SPEECH OF POTUS TRUMP last night. It was half an hour speech. We heard of the stories even before. Standing ovation only from the Republican side. The Democratic side seemed so serious, not smiling, very quiet, unmoved. Poker faces? I really don't know what's in their minds though. lol. Of course I can read their minds.
I can feel their silence. The opposing sides have something to say in their own minds. So silent.... is that good?
THE COUNTER TARIFF against Trump tariff was already been broadcasted before in all Canadian news networks. My God! It's already 2025!! Trump backed off and cancelled the tariff last February to be resolved March 2025. Once again the STOCK MARKET reacted badly and negatively so what's the solution to Trump's experimental curiosity on how stock market reacts?
ASPERGERS & AUTISTIC HUMANS always have experiments and projects in their minds.
Let me tell you the secret...
IT IS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE on how to play the stock market especially in volatile economy. Whether you have Trump card, Poker cards, casino cards all kinds of cards... stock market will be affected on negativity. Bad news tend to affect stock market. Calamities and disaster tend to affect stock market. WAR and rumors of WAR can affect dangerously on STOCK MARKET. Those lunatic warlords should make PEACE OR THEY SHOULD COVER & HIDE because millions of people are so pissed with war the cause of poverty, health woes, environmental damages and pollution.
STOCK MARKET is like the LAW OF INTEGERS and if you want a collapse of the world's economy duck, cover and hold.
ON FENTANYL AGAIN as the cause of Trump Tariff? For God sake!! Who from the USA ordered Fentanyl? Who is Trump's adviser on this fentanyl information? Maybe its them who are addicted to fentanyl eh? Find out your Hospitals & Clinics. Because "Fentanyl" is prescribed in hospitals during major operation and surgery. Patients with CANCER, breast implants, Liposuction, hip & knee replacement, brain surgery, transplants, only for major operation. Fentanyl is not recommended for daily intake. It is not CANDY. However there are too many "addicts" in the US that maybe fentanyl is their choice. Some of them are addicted to Ozempic. Add that to their addiction. Are they also addicted to INSULIN?
CANADA's BORDER is not USA'S Border. It's hard to get into Canadian border unlike the borders of USA & Mexico. Would the Border Patrols lie to you? Watch the TV Show BORDER PATROL.
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