Sunday, March 2, 2025


 You know why Americans lost in their wars against the North Vietnamese called Vietcongs? You know why Americans will lose it wars with other countries? 

ENEMIES knew how to defeat Americans psychologically especially when Americans are against their own leader. 

You know why Americans have to bear arms since the Confederation? You don't know about it until now? Maybe you are not AMERICAN in the truest sense of being TRUE AMERICAN> You are just an "immigrant pasturing on greener pasture and being opportunistic in a way that your ancestry came from Europe and other countries. Not wanting to show racist attitude? OMG! You can be found.

Are you really an English language country? Not too many of you can understand your own language. It is a shame. Some of you don't know much of your own History. 

HOW RICH IS YOUR COUNTRY? You have this unknown visitor who is a stalker of Biden since the war who keep asking for aid for his war games of killing his fellow Ukrainians because he doesn't want them back to his homeland. He think that he owns Ukraine and for what that country had rich in minerals? What kind of minerals? Lithium and uranium from garbage! Rare Earth? FGS too many of them in USA & Australia. Landmines on every forsaking step that you'll explode? Zelensky and his men planted landmines in their yard to keep Russians and Ukrainians in those grounds. Oh they are so rich too of large fields of sunflowers that absorbed the chernobyl air. Zelensky will fight to his death rather having those Ukrainians back to his land. But without the Americans help and EU's help he wont be able to accomplish his lifelong game wherein he is the vida. He is short and stout but he is megalomaniac. FOOLS BELIEVED IN HIS FIGHT. 

SMART PEOPLE and highly intelligent people believed in PUTIN. Pres. Putin trying to complete his puzzle of completing the UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC. Why not? They are just ONE UNITED. Just like UNITED STATES having 50 STATES.  Is there something wrong with PUTIN wanting to unite USSR? RUSSIA provide for all the energy, gas and oil for them anyway including Europe, India, Cuba, and Ukraine. Why fight against Russia the provider of great energy for those countries? How bad is your knowledge of HISTORY? Oh you failed History that's why.

ZELENSKY IS THE DICTATOR, short and stout will end up like Napoleon Bonapart!

PRES. PUTIN, the look-alike of Philippine's hero Apolinario Mabini. He's a hero of Russia.

Oh well, leave UKRAINE ALONE and let the fools fund his never ending trip of war of insanity.

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