Sunday, July 17, 2011

Lotsa Crabs!

The fishing village of Campbell River is popular for its salmon. hence it is called "Salmon Capital of Canada." Tourists, expats, people from all walks of life come and spend their holiday retreat here for exciting camping, hunting, boating, kayaking, boat race and fishing. Though it's known for the salmons that are abundant within its territorial water: ocean and rivers, some fishermen take pride with some other catch of the day. The BC waters is also rich in other marine life and one of these shellfish and crawlies of the Pacific ocean is the famous dungeness crabs. So big it is bigger than your platter. So up we go to the dockyard and find out what they have in store there.

Down to that slippery metal ladder. It was raining furiously, the ladder is wet and if you will not hold tight to the handrail you'll take a dive or had a fall down to that water. So take extra pre-caution, be careful when you go down that route to reach the store of  Mr. Bob's.

 More than hundreds of healthy, big sizes of these crabs as they tried to escape from their bins. Each crab measures at least more than 12 " with the claws stretched probably a whole crab measures 20 to 25 inches. Isn't that totally amazing? The price? depends on its weight. The vendor sold the crab for $7.25/lb

And here you are crabbys you'll be our supper. Good to the last bite though.

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