Thursday, October 17, 2024


 There is always that "thing" that upsets humans from facing life's struggles and some of these things are bearable and unbearable. For  humans with self discipline and good moral conduct... they can uplift themselves up and know how to control human emotions.

However, for the vulnerable it would be a different scenario.

No wonder why some humans tend to commit atrocities that you can not ever imagine.

Violence and other misdemeanor and other sort of malady.

So fellow humans out there who are struggling it's time to face the truth.

VOTE FOR another human who will work for you in many chaotic problems that we are currently facing such as high inflation, high cost of living, housing crisis (nobody can afford), high price of commodities that Canadians are willing to seek the Food Bank. Disgusting. How in the hell Canadians would go to Food Bank? It was never heard in the 90's to Year 2000 until just recently during the pandemic outbreak. That one year to year period had families without the income they are used to have monthly. Those months without earning had them losing sleep on how they have to pay mortgages and rents and all the debts.

Tell me who is not in poverty line after the pandemic? Who are not struggling and suffering? Are you healthy? To think that old age pensioners also suffer because their pensions are too small to live by. That if there is small amount left over that pays for medications. 

Think about this... Why suffer and struggle while the rich and wealthy don't do anything to be a part of society. Do they pay taxes? Why are these type of humans too greedy? How greedy are you? 

Do the politicians that are supposed to work for the people will do their work accordingly and properly? If not, there is always a step forward not only in casting votes. There are ways and means how to combat graft and corruptions in the government.



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