Wednesday, October 30, 2024


 I just happened to watch an old movie SNOWPIERCER. Well, you have to watch it too because the "train" was built like a pyramid. It was an experimental train designed for the future just in case there is that apocalyptic event or some kind of uncontrollable event of elimination due to chaotic climate change that could eliminate millions of lives all at once as in prophetic rapture.

In this movie: Wilford, the scientist/inventor of the snowpiercer train built like a"Noah's Ark" but also built like a pyramid where the   tail of the train accomodates the lowest, the poorest of the poor and some of them are fed with some kind of anonymous black glutinous squares. Only at the end they discovered that those squares were actually made from insects, bugs and dark matters. The people living at the "tail" revolted to find out who Wilford is even if would sacrifice themselves.

This action movie is full of mysteries and suspense. You have to watch it for yourself.

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