Thursday, October 10, 2024

How Are You To VOTE?

 Hmm... if you are a Republican and wanting to vote for a Republican leader and upon reading so many distractions and so many unfavorable comments about Trump, probably you were thinking twice or thrice whether to vote for Trump.

In Politics, propaganda movement is always part of the election  process. It depends on how and why the publicity gimmick tends to overpower each other. Bad publicity is still a "good publicity" for other people. It's rating! TV News Network love that idea to keep communications going. As usual, who is really doing the power play? NEWS MEDIA, the PRESS and all the propagation of news and information and misinformation still is part of NEWS. News Networks are winning.


The group of abortionists and those who had committed abortions are very, very afraid of Trump & Vance. Don't know why. I think they are feeling the guilt of what they had done to commit abortions. ABORTION IS A CRIME that's why. ABORTION IS KILLING INNOCENT BABIES. It's a case per case basis though. There's always an exception to the rule. If you are not guilty why are you afraid?

Trump for the most part is always sending "messages" and codes. Don't know who he is sending to whom and who is the receiver of such message. Yeah,mostly bad, eh? He is a businessman more than a politician.

If he is that bad, he could had just lead America to war. Instead he wants out of office. I mean he was sick of Covid-19 and all those attempts on his life at the last part of his term in Office when he received an anonymous envelope with dangerous substance from an outrage anonymous sender. Anyway, that assailant was caught. Check news archive on this. You people keep blaming him on something as he is a liar, the mastermind for January 6 riot... by the way that's JOAN'S OF ARC birthday. And that riot was planned by true Americans being patriotic. TRUE AMERICANS!!!!!!!You know just like those PATRIOTS movie of Mel Gibson. The mind thinking of true-real Americans are absolutely different from the immigrants whose parents were born from other countries. Is that hard to understand? You have to be glad that the Native Americans who are Indians never tried to make their stand from all the drama in their own land. Wonder why they are so quiet?

Trump didn't cause you to wage war or join wars that led to mass destruction and loss of thousands of lives. He is not a part of those wars! Yes he said some bad words such as "stupid, crazy, dumb and other unsavory words." 

Cast thy first stone if you haven't say any of those words: stupid, idiot, crazy, dumb and a-holes.

You called him liar and all the negative explicit adjectives about him. He only can defend himself, right? So that's even. You called him all the bad and worst things that you can imagine and he'll throw and cast stones on you!

On whatever bad words he was saying, don't you ever believe in "dubbed" and A.I. Artificial Intelligence as meant to use virtual reality of somebody to worsen somebody else's image? That's what it is with A.I. Be careful out there. Make sure that your vision & hearing  is sharp. Make sure you know how to read their lips. Remind me of "Read My Lips" of Bush. Well, because so many happenings way back then are "dubbed." Did they really say it? lol

But you know so many people disliked Trump but too many like him too and believed in him. Don't know why. His charisma maybe and because America needs somebody liked him against those tyrants in other countries. A country with a dictator leader cannot be conquered.

Well, it's up to you. If you think you are a saint or just plain innocent maybe vote for a SAINT. Vote for angels. Vote for yourself if you think you are perfect!!

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