Wednesday, May 15, 2024


 I don't know if its true...IN THE NEWS ON TV that the famous singer Kelly Clarkson has lost its weight because of a "bad bloodwork."

Did you know that LIFEBLABS the clinic for bloodwork has been sued by millions of clients? How true that each of those millions of people will only received $7 each from their class action lawsuit? All those clients should just keep the millions of dollars and together "build something good about it."

Then another news that there was conflict within the organization who will receive the funding for the very first FILIPINO CULTURAL CENTER in Vancouver, BC. 

How funding is created in Philippines? Sometimes, a membership fee leads the beginning of such fundraising. If its true that there are ONE MILLION FILIPINOS IN CANADA then each Filipino should pay membership fee of $10. That's automatic $10 MILLION DOLLARS. All you need to find are TRUSTWORTHY & HONEST keeper of such funds. Open a bank account for Filipino-Canadian Club that must seek transparency for such huge objective. Just my honest opinion.

Next, have a Filipino Canadian party. You must hold a Chinese Auction or Raffle Draw on a Potluck Party. Let say, you have a 70 inches Flat screen TV, use it to sell a raffle ticket for $50 or a computer for $20 raffle ticket. Sometimes big corporations help donate such items for Auction. There are so many hundred ways to raise money. Hold a Filipino-Canadian Beauty Pageant that involves raffle ticket. 

I remember wayback in the 70's in the Philippines (Makati) were Barangay leaders have to produce fundraising campaigns and that include sports and beauty contest which earned lost of money. In our barangay that helped built a basketball court, school, church, barangay hall and paved the way to have concrete roads and streets. Its not always people rely on the government for help. I remember that the kindhearted Mayor Yabut provided half of the expense for some projects and some anonymous donations from very wealthy, influential people of Makati.

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