Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Work, Work, Work!

It was after the 9-1-1 Event when suddenly all the news media cover the Osama Bin Laden non-stop on TV and Radios around the world. It was on and on, and on, So much news propagated and newcasted, broadcasted everywhere day by day, year after year NON-STOP. You sleep, wake up, slept and woke up again. Non-stop news. 24 hr/day, hour after hour news.  Then suddenly after over two years suddenly Osama Bin Laden was being copied and suddenly Osama is becoming a cartoon the news on TV stopped. END OF THE OSAMA BIN LADEN case story. The news died down. CNN lost its streak. The original newscasters were replaced by Moslem newscasters and journalists.
The end of over statement and what could be the real facts behind? I don't know.

I don't know. Maybe I am clueless. LOL.
Entertainment is a business venture and many people had enriched themselves of propagating the news. Look at Bloomberg. He is a billionaire now. Too many had sensationally, famously  became BILLIONAIRES because of the 911 Event of 2001 as if SPACE ODYSSEY had just became reality. You can call Dave and asked where that huge black monolith. It could be at your place?

TELEVISION OR TV is sort of an ENTERTAINMENT VENUE for the restless souls, for those who want to relax, and appreciate the drama, comedy  the action including the suspense and mysteries.

With the current pandemic of coronavirus and COVID-19 who knows, this news will soon come to pass like kidney stone. And I wonder this time who will become the new billionaires and trillionaires.

I don't know about you how long you could take the cabin fever. But I know myself and I love working at home.

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