Friday, March 13, 2020

Let The Water Flow

The hype of this COVID-19 is you get + when you are tested for the virus that lurks within you, with that proverbial flu-like symptoms.

Before all these VIRUS pandemic of sort what happened BEFORE that?
Our TV is ON for the long duration of everyday news since 1992. We just turned off the TV when we go to sleep.

JANUARY NEWS. Most news about the spreading wildfire in Australia as if there's no end to it. Canadian firefighters decided to help and find out what was happening in the non-stop wildfire.
The only time it stopped is when there was this group of  people who are opposed or against the VACCINES. This group of thousands of people who are against any vaccines because of its negative impact on their health. Then CHINESE NEW YEAR's DAY about to happen JANUARY 25, 2020 and wide migration, large population of Chinese usually from different countries who would like to spend their Chinese Lunar new Year in China. It's the usual annual celebration of the Chinese New Year. However, WUHAN, CHINA became the spotlight for that fatal virus called "coronavirus." 
Right away they have a name. ?

In the news, there is that continuation of the BREXIT. Finally the BREXIT,  Britain's exit from EU or European Countries. It was sudden? No. It was a one year > on and off exit will it happen or not? Then the finale, it happened and nobody's happy. Then the saga of the H & M exit from their royal duty. You think the news are interconnected or what?

The question of this virus is connected or linking itself to a certain degree and it's patterned from the past before World War II is well, only you suspect of this when you are familiar with WORLD HISTORY and you know how NAZI worked and how their plans are implemented. Only if you watched those NAZI movies. For the rich, wealthy and influential people, they think of this as another ethnic cleansing. Clean yourself its for your own good.

WASH YOUR HANDS WITH SOAP & WATER. Use hand sanitizer. Spend more money on buying toilet papers, wipes, and wash your bums with water, soap and wipe dry with paper. Your personal hygiene is at check everyday. Take a bath everyday or twice a day especially if you are in hot climate which is the hotspot for germs.  Keep on washing your hands, let the water flows thr. the stream to all bodies of water. It is so dry in other parts of the world because they have no water. WATER, water, water. Keep on washing your hands and let the water flow.

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