Sunday, March 29, 2020

Low Tides & High Tides

I don't know how many times I watched BOURNE IDENTY (Jason Bourne starring the multi-talented Matt Damon, in his portrayal of  a covert government agent who had an amnesia being followed by the FBI & CIA, and some hired professional assassins) then 3 sequels after that. It was so good as if its a real, true life story.

Then have to watch some other old reruns, old movies...
I think this is what I'm going to do for now being couch spud! LOL.
Well, that's what you think.

OMG! How long this isolation of low tides and high tides?
When will it ends? ahahaha! How long will the airing of dirty laundry?

Are you sure we are not being played or tricked?
Or they have that invisible curtain or iron curtain just like China and their lockdown was inivisible to the whole world until they opened it for the world to see ((and other parts of the world looked like ancient civilization, old and rotten)) and the set up is like that of "Hunger Games?"

This pandemic could be a step towards communism or fascist movement.

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