Tuesday, November 7, 2017


What's happening in this world of ours? Another gun violence happened in Texas. Why oh why? Do we have to ban guns or eliminate weapons that can kill? How about to control the use of any kind of weapons? But what if you control the use of guns but to defend yourself what kind of weapon you have to use?

That's the reason why the NRA wont budge to stop the use of guns because of its benefit to defend lives against those humans who are violent and cannot control themselves to murderous acts of violence.

How to defeat violence? When violence has evolved since through the time of Christ. Just read the Bible and you'll find out that humans are really violent. You have Adam and Eve who violated the laws of God, then Cain and Abel violated the laws of God. Brothers! Why two brothers acted violently like wild animals, fought to survive over something that led Cain murdered his own brother Abel? Then Abraham had so many children with different wives and had children from different wives. When their clan populated the land, they expanded, one families after another moved to another land and survived through the pasture of their animals and others cultivated the land for farming as time went by, they also killed their own kind. Why?  Even the Spanish friars do not know the answer that's why during the 18th Century reading the Holy Bible was only for the friars, for the Popes, and the clergy. Bible is forbidden to read for those who cannot understand Latin and Spanish language. Is that normal when the population increases the problems arise non-stop and conflict are much harder to control. Humans will always fight to survive to get what they want. They will fight for food, water and other resources. When the source of supply and services are limited, war is the ultimate survival approach.

It happened almost every time. The American Civil War, the Spanish-American war, World War I and World War II the cause of war is the same, it's land claim and when the sources are limited then it's war again. Then the United Nations organized themselves to control conflict and provide guidelines. Is it working? Somehow the guidelines are not that bad because the UN has many arms and hands to "control" what we are to hear and see. The media, the news reporters , the news network are properly been educated to bring selective news that we can all approve but are we getting the truth of the news? I don't know. Nobody knows the truth. We all can hope trusting that there are good people or good human beings in this world who are divinely God-like in the matters of humanities.

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