Monday, November 13, 2017

Blind Newscasting

Did I hear it right when a television news reporter has said about "dirty city in the Philippines?" I wonder where that news reporter came from because how many times they featured in their news channel about other countries and they always featured poverty, messy shanties, messy tents, messy, dirty, filthy environment but they never, ever said the word "dirty!" Are they blind?

What was shown or featured in the news is the scene from Manila, the tall buildings and the buses, jeepneys and cars. What's dirty in the city of Manila and Makati area? The skyscrapers in Manila are dirty? Are they reading the correct teleprompter news? They are showing old jeepneys. Have you seen all the luxury vehicles? Millions of luxury cars, pajeros, 4X4 trucks, and other expensive BMW's , Merceded Benz, Ford cars and utility vehicles in that part of Ayala Avenue as if everyone's a millionaire. One thing for sure, foreign reporters do not take pride in newscasting the wealth of one's country because they only up to no good.

Have you watched AMAZING RACE before? There are other countries in the world where the whole country of such name I will tell you but it's such a filthy, dirty smelly foul odor of somekind fills the air. A place where toilet bowls are made of open drums and no water to flush the filth. It's shocking! It's shocking to find this out because how could a rich-well developed country has problem with toilets? Could it be that "area" is not really part of that wealthy country rich with oil and gas?

I know that's absurd. GROSS! Some people are blind.

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