Thursday, November 16, 2017


Who watched the GOOD DOCTOR last Monday? The theme of the TV series is about "autism" and in between takes another story is being aired about a 73 year old man who is suffering from some kind of ailment and he wants to die instead of keeping on living with the hurt, pain and suffering. The doctor who was assigned to that order male patient discovered that he the patient was missing and was hiding in the hospital's kitchen pantry and next day he was missing again turned out he was there outside the hospital ward room  to the rooftop. The doctor tried to talk him over because he wants to cure him. What is he trying to do? Going suicidal? The doctor did something unbelievable giving the old patient with the last resort "dying with dignity." What? That's not the normal way to die. He's only in his '70's. I don't know how mentally incapable or how badly he felt to be administered with that "mercy killing" putting assigned doctors to do some drastic move to be killers instead of being the doctors that save lives. WEIRD Episode. What happened to the autistic boy after the operation? The leaky gut syndrome? OMG! You should have seen the long intestines of the boy on top of his stomach and Dr. Murphy's hand inside his stomach trying to hold on to while the two doctors continued their surgery. After the operation, the boy finally able to look at the light no matter how bright it is. LOL. Not that he has sensitivity to light before the operation but his eyes closed most of the time is probably the pain he cannot explain and the parents cannot understand what was happening to their autistic boy. Whatever his ailment aside from being autistic has something to do with the medication prescribed  by other doctors by which  their parents administered the medicine to their autistic child must take to cure autism. Meaning? Side effect has proven futile and had negative consequences on that boy. No cure for autism. If it runs in the family or clan, it will forever be in their blood. The doctor Murphy is autistic, and he is a surgeon. Too many astronauts who are autistics. Many scientists who are autistics they are the meteorologists, astronomers, biologists, zoologists, they are physicists; they are the Einstein, Marie Curie, Louis Pasteur, Bill Gates, Jane Goodall and who else would like to be in the list? Sheldon Cooper? And some journalists and newscasters and movie stars.

Here's the new info about autism and autistic people: They cannot explain excruciating pain and suffering. They don't know what hurt and everybody's into guessing game. That you have to ask them to eat because these people have problem what time they have to eat. Time passes by the hours and they seem not hungry but they are, it's just that they are too ashamed to eat or what? They are in "their own world" and time doesn't exist. For the normals, you have to to remind the autistics that there is breakfast, lunch and supper and snacks are available for them to have. When they take a shower you have to remind them that it's more than one hour and they are still taking a shower. That they need a swimming pool where they can swim anytime any hours of the day.

THE GOOD DOCTOR series is one of a kind comedy series I think it's so unbelievable sometimes in manner of how these doctors perform their duties. In previous episode, Dr. Claire Brown right away without thinking did what she could do to save the life of a female patient who was a victim of a vehicle collision (car accident together with other patients who were admitted in the Bonaventure Hospital for treatment and operation - the wedding entourage, the female patient was left behind there hidden in the grassy part of the road). Dr. Brown abruptly had "operation" right there at the spot where the medics found her without having a brain scan or MRI scan it's just that she was that confident to save the life of the woman. What's wrong? What happened? Just because the woman had concussion and unconscious? I think something is wrong with her tactic or her unfair judgment on saving a life. The woman is still alive, she and the medic should have just rush her to the hospital where all the necessary medical equipment are available and you know no need to screw the brain of that poor woman. Anyway, she was reprimanded by the Hospital president Dr. Glassman and was asked to see a psychologist. Then her boyfriend also did the same wrong task of taking the life out of one individual who is just mentally handicap, incapable of looking after himself or what could be his prescribed drugs as in showing negative or adverse effects. Doctors are humans, they are not God. They could save lives based on good judgment not on the wicked ambition of replacing the chief surgeon. Looks like they artsy fartsy want their hands on numerous operations they could handle and the chance on how many times they can hold the scalpel. It's the quantity not quality of care that matters for them. Is it scary? It is absolutely frightening if you are one of their patients. The patients are their trophies. For God sake! Those would-be-doctors should practice holding scalpels or the use of scalpels on animals first (operations)  not on humans. Try your scalpel on crocodiles first. Hm, not funny but will help the training of doctors on how to have a grip on scalpel. Pray that these medical cases are fiction.

Next? News of the hour: PEACEKEEPING effort to Uganda? Really? In Uganda? Whose paying? The UN will pay for peacekeeping? Sure why not? To volunteer for such peacekeeping without pay is stupid. The UN should pay for such humanitarian effort. Canadians need employment. There is no such thing as volunteers and pay other countries and its people. You don't sacrifice yourself to save colored humans. You want to be a hero use your head. My God, how many movies when white people were on suicidal to save black people. You have Leonardo DiCarpio in Black Diamonds saving the lives of the Black tour guide and his rebellious son. You have Nicole Kidman and another actor saving the life of an indigenous child and his people in Australia. FGS! What is wrong with WHITE PEOPLE? Too many movies depicting white people sacrificing their lives so that black people will live and survive. Can black people save white people? In many movies I watched, the black people are killing white humans and it's okay? Sandra Bullock playing the role of a mother adopting black football player and suddenly had relationship with her  daughter. I'm not racist but you can see and perceive the OBVIOUS, VERY OBVIOUS theme, code and agenda of what is being played in movies and television series. You are blind if you cannot perceive the sensitive issue. It could be pisskeeping eh? I am so pissed off right now.

After being verbally annoyed by the Pres. of the Philippines, the PM of Canada is now announcing a peacekeeping business in Africa sending 200 ground troops. From 600 troops only 200 troops as peacekeepers. It was said as a Peacekeeping Plan. There was already peacekeeping effort and it's not only a plan because it happened already, or happening. Wow! Is that the Princess Diana's likeness in their team? I was kind of shock for a while. Dreaming? Am I dreaming or it's just that the beautiful woman in their team has resemblance to the Princess of Wales. Who knows? Can't you see the resemblance? Or Princess Diana's double? So who died in France?

This is what's wrong with news, breaking news. Nothing is real at first  it's always a plan. Breaking news are news that set standardized news, it was only a gist then summary to a highly detailed news and information. It keeps breaking. You bet it right, similar to silent auction.

Then the next day is another breaking news!

I hate that news story about mj. Why not use them for the production of cash money? The ingredients to create cash money using that valuable plant is much needed in the economy. To smoke that mj is such a big no. If a normal regular cigar can harm and can cause cancer then don't you think it's best to stop smoking? The production of mj is strictly, officially for the production of paper money other than that purpose is strictly prohibited.

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