The contestants of the Amazing Race:UF went to alpine resort somewhere in Switzerland. The continuation of the Amazing Race: episode 10. In this leg of the race they have to perform task such as: Search and Rescue Operation.
First they have to choose which task they have to do whether Search or Rescue.
In the Search partners: Zev & Justin were the first to depart riding a helicopter on top of the mountain where they have to use gadget to find the body (dummy) buried beneath the pile of snow. Probably 6 to 10 ft. underground. Gary & Mallory arrived and search for the dummy also.
It took them hours to rescue the dummy. Good it's only a dummy because when they lifted the dummy, the leg was cut off leaving the head, the torso, or from head to waist still buried under the snow. Same thing happened to the dummy that Zev and Justin rescued from the pile of snow.
In Rescue: Kisha & Jen, Vyxin and Kent then Globetrotters tried the rescue by hoisting the guy in beneath the "shelf" of ice probably 10 to 12 ft. underground. One of the partners should go down that "shelf" and pretend to rescue until they had the clue card for the next task or destination.
Second task: They were to take part in the making of Travelocity gnome moulded into chocolate. But first they have to paint the plastic moulder with food coloring and part choco then they have to cool it dry inside the fridge. How they do it? With all the bickering is not as much bad as what is happening in the Hell's Kitchen. Once the moulded gnome paint is ready they poured in chocolate in liquid condition inside. Then they have it cooled outside on the snow and wait for sometime. The finished product was then inspected and off they go for the next move while they carry the gnome to the pit stop.
Next task is by foot. Everyone walked down the snowy route to get through the Pit Stop where Phil Keoughan is waiting together with the "sherpa and the dog." The first team to arrive is the Globetrotters: Big easy and Flight Time. Won a trip to Cook island sponsored by Travelocity. Kisha & Jen, Kent & Vyxin arrived next but given penalty for not complying to the rule. They ride the taxi instead of walking to the pit stop. Gary & Mallory arrived after them. Last to arrive were Zev and Justin but because the Goths had 30 minute penalty and were then eliminated on this leg of the race saving Zev and Justin to go on for the next leg of the race > to Brazil.
---------------------------------------------OTHER NEWS:
According to the news on TV > OSAMA BIN Laden is dead. Americans gathered out of their homes to the field, to the road to cheer up and celebrate when they heard the news. The terrorist they long time hunt and wish dead is NOW DEAD?
Where's the EVIDENCE? Come on NCIS, CIA, FBI, all the Armed Forces show us the true story.
Show us the evidence.
The masonry news once again was featured on TV via History channel. The Washington area was claimed to have that symbol of the "mason or the compass" yeah "aerial view. What's in it? Ask L Enfant the architect of that area. Or you can ask the Pharaoh because Washington is the land area of the ancient Egypt.
Other news? Beatification of the HOLY POPE JOHN PAUL II . He was actually a SAINT when he was still alive. He was there whenever there is calamity, disaster or whatever the consequences maybe there is always a ready aid for the needy. He was there to give and share. After his death the aid was stop. I don't know why.
ELECTION in CANADA? Who you should VOTE? What their NAMES stand for?
1. Stephen Harper - Conservative Party - Color: Blue
2. Jack Layton - NDP National Democratic party - Color: Orange
3. Michael Ignatieff - Liberal Party - Color: Red
4. Joe Ducceppe- Bloc Q. - color: ?
5. Elizabeth May - Green Party - Color: Green
You should all VOTE so that I wont be the one thinking for your country.
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