ELECTION IN GERMANY. Germans making protest or something in public. For what? Then with all the banners in German language and one particular banner in English
WHY? Why would they want refugees during election? Germany's population already 84.24 MILLIONS and their country is a smaller than any other country in Europe.
VERY STRANGE!! Looks like trapezoids!! For those corrupt individuals using refugees for vote counts.
OUT IN THE NEWS TOO still about Volodymyr Zelenskyy who is reluctant to sign the deal with USA after all the 350 BILLIONS of DOLLARS AID during almost 3 YEARS WAR and would like to deal with European countries instead... wow! Betrayal of justice. What's wrong with that man? He only wants to get and take and take without giving back. What an opportunist!
With critical minerals every country's leader would like to have to have "special deals."
Yeah include those land mines!!!! Vietnam & Cambodia have them. It will take hundred years before all those land mines are cleared. Have you seen landmines in the movie HAMBURGER HILL?
Hey OPPORTUNITY ROVER do you have space in Mars where we could deploy some AH from planet Earth?
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