What will happen if all websites are not free for the people who used it for free?
FIRST let me tell you that you cannot use or view any websites through the internet without computer, Tablet, iPads, Cellphones or any electronic gadgets. You are paying for internet connection to Internet provider and you are paying for electricity.
Internet Provider Connection + Electricity = NOT FREE.
To pay for websites such as GOOGLE, FACEBOOK, X, YAHOO, and other Social Networks?
Dude, it's about time to USE THE LOCAL POST OFFICE. It's time to give the Post Office Workers their works. All bills, messages, transactions will be sent through the Post Office. It will be snail mails once again. Humans are much needed in the workforce! Yey!!
We will be using a lot of papers and pens, word processing machines, xerox copiers and the PULP MILLS will soon rise up in the production of PAPER. Humans will have to learn how to print and write.
INK will flow because the FOREST INDUSTRY will be resurrected.
The hell with AI or Artificial Intelligence because the truth is some HUMANS are more intelligent than AI programmed by Sam Altman.
You wont be worried that some Health Care WORKERS are not robots because they are capable of human feelings and emotions. They have compassion and empathy and you wont be booted off to MAID. How cruel MAID is right?
HUMANS WILL BE HUMANS and HUMANITY WILL FLOURISH IN A CIVILIZED WORLD. You will soon see humans capable of kindness and you will see them as humans not monkeys. You will see the difference.
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