Friday, February 28, 2025



Wow! That's wow!!

All American Department Stores  & American retail stores will be boycotted "today only?" as their means of protest due to the high falutin 25% Tariff imposed by FOTUS. 

I didn't know that WALMART, VALUE VILLAGE, TARGET are American companies... I don't know the rest of those retailers.

FACTS OF IT the workers and employees working in those department stores  are CANADIANS.

So it's not really a Win-Win situation. 

 Though, that boycott process is just a mean to send messages  whether they win or not. They have rights to do so.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025


 It's not always politics the subject of entertainment on TV. There are too many TV SERIES such as: NCIS, FBI, FBI INTERNATIONAL, CSI, Reality shows: AMAZING RACE, SURVIVOR, BIG BROTHER,  TEACUP, FALLEN, etc.

When is FROM season begins? Why the suspense with this thriller?

TV SHOWS: THE VOICE, The Bachelor ( I don't watch it). 

Last night I watched the TV Series THE SHOGUN. This television series which is in Nippongo with English subtitles. I hate reading the dialogue down below the screen you know. However I still watched it for whatever reason the Feudalism in that time period during the reign of the Toranaga dynasty is something very "Creepy." You are a creep... you are a weirdo )))))))

The Toranaga Clan killed their own relatives for certain disagreement. When a certain tribe had lose the war, they bowed down to the winning clan's leader  and had hara-kiri to be beheaded after. 

L. Toranaga had his leadership known since age 12. Then when he was already an elderly with only one son to inherit his father's crown, the step brother came with a purpose which the L. Toranaga must accomplish and that turned his son for a suicide mission to kill his uncle. However the son failed and died. Toranaga surrendered to another clan's supremacy which the barbarian Englishman opposed. The rest of the Toranaga's officers followed what their Lord wishes except of Hiromatsu the bestfriend of Toranaga and close allies. He would rather do the hara-kiri than surrender to the other clan. Toranaga was still defiant and cruel that his own close friend had hara kiri and his own son beheaded him. WEIRD? That's right it is so very weird.

Would you rather fight and died fighting BE A HERO? Than kill yourself for what?


THE REASON & PURPOSE OF YOUR EXISTENCE ? Should not always be in vain not for your ego. You killed yourself for what purpose that claims? To kill yourself is a mortal sin. To kill for the purpose of  defending your life against tyranny, oppression, against the wickedness of evil is justified. Remember if the enemy is EVIL and evil the devil is the number one enemy of GOD therefore you are justified in every way, shape and form.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025


 WHO CARES ABOUT TARIFF? Canadians and all the people living here in Canada are used to paying too many taxes: PST, GST, Carbon tax, Income tax, and other anonymous taxes. Tariff tax? Why government officials are so afraid of tariff taxes? 

Government officials, SPORTS Athletes, & HEALTHCARE WORKERS are highest paid in Canada. What they have to lose?

Well they are showing to all Canadians that they are WORKING.

They are working and losing their sleep as if being pressured of the 25% Tariff imposed by POTUS Trump. 

For the fist time in History, they are showing that they are really working and worried for the people of Canada. They are not worried about their family because they have more than enough.

ANXIETY is a prevalent human psychological and emotional disorder now. Everyone has anxiety. AI don't have feelings so Artificial Intelligence robots are immune from all anxiety and worries. 

The latest of the HAMBURGER HILL UKRAINE would be a zero value at this point in time so considered it as another CHERNOBYL nuclear disaster and USA wont be profiteering from it and so as Canada. 

TARIFF is the answer to that catastrophic event. Need no further explanation and let us go back to normal. Move forward. If you want to invade Jupiter maybe you have better outcome.

Monday, February 24, 2025



Week from now and it's time to pay rents and mortgages. At least so many of us still live inside houses and apartments. The rest of the unfortunates will soon get out from charitable institutions and become homeless on the streets and on tents.

SPRING TIME when so many of those homeless will be out from those buildings they occupied for the long duration of winter cold.

GROCERIES and all of GOODS & SERVICES were considered too pricey for every consumers since 5 years ago. UNAFFORDABLE EVEN IF THERE'S NO TARIFF yet. Can't blame tariff for those unaffordable cost of living eh? Just be aware of the ECONOMIC HISTORY OF YOUR COUNTRY.

If you can't afford a home, cars or any basic necessities what more can you afford? 

Will FOOD BANKS ready for those homeless people?

TWO ELECTIONS will be happening in the next few days. THOSE ELECTION PROCESS could mean an expense in millions to billions $$$$$$$$$$. But who cares? CANADA usually have billions for something very unimportant just to show off and then later on causing each people to pay more taxes.


This is a country where kids are asked their strengths and weaknesses in Elementary Schools. WHY? It's NAZI EXPERIMENT.

Sunday, February 23, 2025


 ELECTION IN GERMANY. Germans making protest or something in public. For what? Then with all the banners in German language and one particular banner in English 


WHY? Why would they want refugees during election? Germany's population already 84.24 MILLIONS and their country is a smaller than any other country in Europe.

VERY STRANGE!! Looks like  trapezoids!! For those corrupt individuals using refugees for vote counts.

OUT IN THE NEWS TOO still about Volodymyr Zelenskyy who is reluctant to sign the deal with USA after all the 350 BILLIONS of DOLLARS AID during almost 3 YEARS WAR and would like to deal with European countries instead... wow! Betrayal of justice. What's wrong with that man? He only wants to get and take and take without giving back. What an opportunist!

With critical minerals every country's leader would like to have to have "special deals."

Yeah include those land mines!!!! Vietnam & Cambodia have them. It will take hundred years before all those land mines are cleared. Have you seen landmines in the movie HAMBURGER HILL?

Hey OPPORTUNITY ROVER do you have space in Mars where we could deploy some AH from planet Earth?

Saturday, February 22, 2025


EARTHQUAKE felt in Vancouver, Victoria, Fraser Valley. 

Magnitude 4.7 near Sechelt BC. No Tsunami report and no injury occurred to this sudden quake. Don't know the cause of the earthquake but according to some people in Sechelt it felt like there was an explosion.

I felt that quake, first thought something weird with my BP but actually it was an earthquake and too many Canadians felt it too. Wonder what that quake is about. Tectonic, volcanic or just P & S waves? Maybe just continental shift.

Sure the waves at Discovery Passage was  wavy as if there was a storm last night with the accompaniment of howling sounds of the winds.

Too many new news that happened yesterday and NEWS NETWORKS more than happy to broadcast news 24/7.

No NEW LIBERAL LEADER yet because for whatever reason they have to have debate first on important issues of the Government and whatever purpose, goals or motives they are up to other than to serve and work for the people of Canada. It will be a contest of wits with the candidates: Mark Carney, Chrystia Freeland, and other 2 remaining candidates. One female candidate was disqualified because of how she acquired funds (don't know for sure the real story) but at OMNI Filipino News she was in the news as a "nanny abuser."  Hmm... that too is... don't know if its true or not. It's up to you to investigate.

WE tend to discriminate some people of what they are doing for other people and yet failed to scrutinize and analyze why few of these leaders are serving working for their own people. REPUBLICANS are guilty of working for their own people not to be abused by other people from other countries. While some leaders serve other people from other countries and tend to pay less attention to those people who voted and elected them. I know so weird right? That's why those leaders should just live in those war torn countries. They don't have to give away the taxpayers money as if their own. You are just > public servants and the money, financial aid or budget is not yours to splurge or give away as if you are a santa claus. 

It's different if its your "own wealth" being used as financial budget for the whole works in the Government.

Sometimes, there are SURPLUS IN THE GOVERNMENT. Better be happy and rejoice about it. SURPLUS are not be donated or given away free to other countries for your own country can use those surplus in unforeseen calamities and disaster. Hurricanes, floods, tornadoes and wildfires happened every year. No exception. EVERY YEAR. For whatever it is EARTH IS NOT THAT SAFE anymore. You can probably INVEST some money for profit or how greedy of yours if you don't give anything for donation purposes. Your choice people.


Friday, February 21, 2025


 WHEN IDIOTS RULE THE WORLD then you'll know another WWI & II await the innocents.

BOYCOTT OF  AMERICAN GOODS IN CANADA is starting to hurt the Americans. Americans in Vancouver, Washington made the first move to win back their friends from Canada. GOOD! That's amazing!!

Did you know for quite sometime, the boycott of Philippine products, department stores and businesses under the MARCOS Regime by the Yellow Party had almost bankrupted Philippines. However when the Yellow Party Leader took office without financial budget and without wages and salary for her own Military Forces had those soldiers in coup'etat so many hundred times. Can you just imagine all Government workers working without pay? Then the ousted of the US Military Bases. Then the Mount Pinatubo Eruption and the many calamities & disasters? Chaos upon chaos. 

The only workers that keep the economy going in the Philippines are the millions of Overseas Workers or OFW's working hard in the Middle East, Hong Kong, USA, Canada, Australia and other foreign countries. They were hailed as "Modern Heroes."

Some countries and leaders should learn about Philippine History from at the time of the Conquest by the Spaniards in 15th Century.

The good thing about Filipinos, if there is WAR nobody escape or nor end up refugees in another country. FILIPINOS never abandoned their own country. THEY FOUGHT THE WARS TO WIN AT THE VERY END.



for winning the 4 NATIONS FACE OFF FINALS!!!!!!!

Combinations of Canada's Hockey players:: Sidney Crosby, Nathan McKinnon, Connor McDavid is a super great combination to win. 

Nathan McKinnon voted MVP.

Thursday, February 20, 2025


MIDNIGHT MEAT TRAIN. Shocks! What the hell is this movie. Bradley Cooper as an amateur photographer happened to watch and photographed group of black men trying to rob and abduct a female at the stairs at the subway. The photographer told the men to stop what they are doing because they are not only being photographed but there was a video camera at the subway station. The woman thanked the photographer and she boarded the train. Gruesome murder had happened and the photographer thought it is no coincidence so he was like a sleuth trying to find out what really happened until the very end and the ending is not what you'll like.

Caution: Too much violence and savagery

Have you seen FALLEN, yet? It's not a movie but a television series. Mentally handicapped are institutionalized in a secret Mental Hospital designed to experiment their mind capabilities in ESP and Telekinesis power.  Something new right?

There is one tv series I want to watch THE LAST OF US, filmed in Vancouver, BC. Sorry to say that we don't have HBO. lol

How about KILLER GRADES? Imagine your teacher asking you to take anxiety medication because he thought you are failing in class. Then until those 2 students end up dead and who could be the suspect?

There are too many television series that we are waiting and waiting for: BIG BROTHER, SURVIVOR, AMAZING RACE, FROM, IRREVERENT, what about THE WALKING DEAD? No TWD anymore eh?




It could be the longest, fastest 100 DAYS!!! To accomplish with what is in the Trump & Elon's Plan.That remarkable train could be the BULLET TRAIN OR SNOWPIERCER.

The barriers and hindrance to the snowpiercer could be laid off or fired.

Use other convenient form of vehicle or join your leader whom you voted and elected.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025



If you are watching for CBC NEWS & CNN for the past 32 YEARS you will know who is lying or who is most credible and has credibility.

Well, let us first start with the news on WINTER OLYMPIC GAMES IN BEIJING, CHINA (February 2022). SCANDAL had happened when Russian figure skater almost perfect in her performance had been reported taking a ban substance - drugs for her HEART AILMENT MEDICATION. Controversial as it is... hatred has been ruled and everyone seemed to hate Russian teams and every Russian including Putin.The whole Olympics Game had been controversial for the whole duration of the Games.

Next News: Russia's Pres. PUTIN had a meeting with France's Pres. Macron.

Next News: NATO announced a MILITARY EXERCISES at the Border of Ukraine and Russia. All European countries, Russia, Canada and USA included in the Exercises. You know what's happening during Military Exercises?   Are you in the MILITARY? Are you a soldier? Will you give military information to public or to civilians?

The presence of FOREIGN PRESS & MEDIA there to witness the on-going happenings and events to be unfold. They have cameras installed on all borders. TOO MANY EYEWITNESSES FROM AROUND THE WORLD. Scenes showing Russian tanks in farm fields. Ha? They are using their tanks for farming? 

Then in another channel... foreign journalists talking to Putin. I don't know if they understand each other because those journalists don't speak Russian.Language barrier.

NEXT: Breaking news BOMBING OF THE BRIDGE IN UKRAINE then followed by POWER OUTAGE. Later on the journalists found out that Ukrainians admitted that they bombed their own bridge to avert the coming of the Russians tanks into Ukraine. Chaos followed, Ukrainians got scared and they panic no news from outside of Ukraine, because of power outage. Only days of the first week of the war, journalists were interviewing the soldiers on Russian tanks who admittedly they were UKRAINIANS INSIDE RUSSIAN TANKS. (Archives: CNN & CBC NEWS NETWORKS).

However, Ukrainians started seeking refuge in Poland and other countries in Europe. Just in Poland alone, 2 MILLIONS UKRAINIAN REFUGEES were accepted.

WHY THE COUNTRIES BANNED RUSSIA? That's the question. Because every Ukrainian told everybody it was Putin's fault.  They all have to blame Putin. They hate Russia since actually during the Winter Olympic Games wherein a controversial talented figure skater who was almost perfect was caught taking drugs as medication for heart ailment. The medication for heart ailment is BAN in the Olympic Sports. 

TRUTH CAN NEVER BE TOLD TO UNBELIEVERS BECAUSE THEY DON'T ACCEPT THE TRUTH. Because they believe in lies. Truth can never be told to be believed and understood. They want a limitless of lies and propaganda.. its business.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025


 BREAKING NEWS: Delta jet crashed and flipped while landing at the Pearson Int'l. Airport runway  in Toronto, Ontario yesterday.

WTH! That's really very strange eh? First time have that event happened and all the passengers seemed ok, nobody died, maybe slight injury and traumatic experience. 

How and why would a jet plane flipped over? That's something new.

Maybe there was a twister or the high winds the cause of such accident. ?

Whatever it is the slow investigation is really, really slow.

They should have a video of such "flipped" over... to see is to believe.



Just that video will give you the proof & evidence of what really happened. No black box needed.

Monday, February 17, 2025

TELL THEM THE TRUTH... seriously!


Is that the truth? Elon Musk cannot buy Canada even if he become the "Trillionaire." He is like the Dr. Evil in Austin Powers movie. He likes to influence USA with the power of his money. He can't do it in Canada.

Just that about it.

Let's get over it and STOP the video of  DJT about his wild dreams of Canada becoming 51ST STATE. That's impossible! Too large of Canada to become just a "state." Critical minerals where to get them? Ukraine, China & Russia have them too. BUY UKRAINE! Is that impossible?

Any countries at war should just sell their own country because they are violators of humanity. Once their own human population fled to other countries what to lose? Majority of population had chosen to get out and abandoned their own country therefore what holds you from serving your own country.

You know what I mean? REFUGEES & ASYLUM SEEKERS ARE GREAT BURDEN TO THE COUNTRIES WHO DECIDED TO ADOPT THEM. Why? Those adoptive countries get the war wrath. You'll never know about this? Who are you and what are you not knowing all these? Do you like LIGHTNING causing WILDFIRES?????? There's that clue. You don't want atomic bomb right? Lightning is just mild casualty.

Maybe DJT should just own Ukraine because they had given Zelenskyy BILLIONS OF AID since the war against Russia. Most Ukrainians fled Ukraine into Russia, Poland, Romania, USA, Canada and other countries in the world. Just in Russia, 12 MILLIONS OF UKRAINIANS in RUSSIA. I first thought only 4 millions fled to Russia but the latest Stats, they are now in 12 MILLIONS UKRAINIANS IN RUSSIA. FGS.

TELL ELON  maybe he should consult  TESLA the original TESLA if what he is doing violates HUMANITY. You know, he's got a family of his own and maybe he is not a robot and he is human so he should at least practice CONSCIENCE and his CHARACTER by following moral code. This should be reminded to the POTUS. You know MORAL CODE need no heuristic to make it exist in humanity. You only have one life to live so exist the way others want to exist and live.

HOWEVER.. You really have to be very afraid. If the PM of Canada and all the Premiers are afraid then you HAVE TO BE.


Sunday, February 16, 2025


 CURRENTLY this is one of the many problems in Canada: The Banking System.

Imagine yourself entering any banks of Canada. Ask the bank teller who is a human female not a AI Robot and ask typical question of withdrawing money from the bank.

 The female bank teller will tell you: Please use the bank machine.

The bank client ask why he cannot withdraw from her when she is there in human form and she is a bank teller. The bank teller will answer they don't have money, the bank ATM machine has money in cash.

Then you asked: Can I transfer my cash account into cheque account?

Bank teller in human form not a robot answered: Please use your computer and do it online.

Bank client: I don' have computer. 

Bank teller: Use your cellphone, sir.

Bank client: I'm already here at the bank why should I do it online?

Bank teller: Because that's not my job , sir. You should do it online.

Bank client tried in earnest to have the bank teller help him with his inquiry but no matter how he pleads, he is a senior and doesn't like banking online felt  so helpless.

BY THE WAY the above scenario was FOR REAL not just an imagination. It happened to many thousands of bank clients.

IS IT BAD? What's even so bad its because BANKS are being outsourced around the world. That's why sometimes, its not a Canadian employee helping through online but employees from other countries. Aha!

ARE YOU SAFE? Is banking online safe?

How many Canadians are in need of work here? Why jobs are being outsourced outside of Canada through India, South America even to Africa? What the hell is going on?

Are Canadians being SCAMMED?


 NOTE: Stories relayed to me by some people I know. It just happened that I have BLOG to where I can vent their anger, frustrations and their incredible stories. 

Yes, I get the hit of invisible bullets. But you know what? I'M A SAINT. Ha ha ha!

I can drop the asteroids if I want to... you know... and I KNOW if I get so mad.

WAR ON INFRASTRUCTURE - A Demolition Project?

 What's really the problem with the UKRAINE - RUSSIAN WAR and how it begun? How an ordinary <MILITARY EXERCISES BY NATO had turned into invasion.

Is the WAR actually disguised military exercises? For what purpose & motive? 

Do they speak and communicate in different language? Who those idiots who turned military exercises into war?

What NATO had done? What European countries had done? Why Ukraine asked help from Canada & USA? Why oh Why?

Why Ukrainian soldiers aboard Russian tanks in the first week of the "war?" Did Russia allowed Ukrainians to use their tanks for demolition project? is the war actually a demolition project? Looks like it.

Who is Zelenskyy compared to Pres. Putin? Putin was once worked in Russian KGB before he became a President which is similar to  CIA.

According to Trump, that war never happened if he was President that time. Yeah, maybe. That war never happened if US Pres. Bush and PM Harper was Prime Minister of Canada and Chancellor Merkle of Germany still in power.  WHY? RUSSIA is member of the G8. And maybe the cost of living is not stratospheric as it is now. 

You need RUSSIA when it comes to what's going on up in Space. You need their expertise in the ISS. Did you know that Astronauts & Cosmonauts are allies for such a very long, long time? Russians and Americans are allied forces in their defense against the NAZI. Russians are orthodox and bureaucratic and that's why some idiots hate them. Who are the Russians anyway? They are the Orthodox Jews, Christians, Catholics and they had the blood of the Vikings that defeated the bloody royalty that caused millions of death in Russian history. Please check History of Russia & watch old movie Dr. ZHIVAGO maybe you'll understand. Then you'll say they are Communist. But they are the country where energy, gas and oil being distributed to European countries. The reason why Europe has its power: electricity, gas and oil its because of Russia. Why oil and gas is affordable before the war its because of RUSSIA'S contribution to the source of basic supply around the world.

Did you hear about Europeans digging their countries for oil and gas? NO. Because their source of supply from Russia.

WHY WAR? Simply it's easier for "refugees" to seek refuge why demolition project is happening that's why. It is not rocket science!

It is the YEAR 2025. You cannot fool all the people all the time. For God Sake.


Saturday, February 15, 2025



Did it help consumers and store owners of this tax holiday which is just 5%? I hope so.. But some business owners said "not at all." Because to change the program of their cash registers caused them more expenses than having profit at all. 

Maybe it helped parents who have young children who are still on diapers and those children's toys and other miscellaneous stuff they bought at least 5% off from their expenditures.

You can only feel how huge the tax if you are buying in bulk. That's why 25% on imported goods to be exported to US would be staggering exorbitant.

Exports to US are in Millions to Billions of Dollars that's why 25% TARIFF > it's like being hit by an earthquake. 

NOTE: EARTHQUAKES Being felt could probably caused by fracking and boring machines beyond earth.

Let say the Export of such goods in 500 BILLIONS$ + 25% = 625 BILLIONS $ ($125 BILLIONS) For that $500 BILLIONS  worth of goods, you have to pay $125 BILLIONS of Tariff. 

WOW! They knew how to slap Canadians with BILLIONS OF DOLLARS!! They don't know where to get BILLIONS OF DOLLARS INSTANTLY. 

Because some other countries in the world are still doing BARTER.

You don't understand?

Let say you want to buy a brand new house in Canada. The price of a new house is worth $750,000 + GST & PST = $840,000     Tax = 90,000  


There are "some people" who are buying houses worth more than the price above & they are helping the GOVERNMENT OF CANADA. 

I think the CHECK & BALANCE here in CANADA are counting everything so minute and into every details. Very detailed. Accounting works here. That's why when all those TAXES are accumulated and after filing of income tax, some people received refund, CTB Benefit for their kids, Carbon tax payments, Rebates, etc. etc.   HEALTH CARE is FREE its because with all accumulated taxes and those who patronize the LOTTERY BC 49,649 and other Charitable Institutions had helped provide free Health Care for Canadians. 

HEALTH CARE IS FREE BUT HEALTH CARE WORKERS ARE PAID WITH HIGH FALUTIN WAGES. Something for them to be happy about. For them to complain about their too high salary? Mind boggling.

MIND BOGGLING TAXES also helped pay for the budget in all MINISTRIES OF THE GOVERNMENT and burgeoning tasks and works for the members of the PARLIAMENT including their high falutin yearly salary, bonus and benefits and mansions, sports cars and expensive SUV's. Well endowed richy members of the Parliament. And if they are not doing their job properly... let's have PEOPLE STRIKE.


What you can buy with $90,000? Maybe a brand new EV Ford or EV Winnebago or a Bayliner boat.

For the economical buyers they would be buying houses already been rented or been in the market for more than 2 years or buy an old house to be renovated instead.


Friday, February 14, 2025


 What will happen if all websites are not free for the people who used it for free? 

FIRST let me tell you that you cannot use or view any websites through the internet without computer, Tablet, iPads, Cellphones or any electronic gadgets. You are paying for internet connection to Internet provider and you are paying for electricity.

Internet Provider Connection +   Electricity = NOT FREE.

To pay for websites such as GOOGLE, FACEBOOK, X, YAHOO, and other Social Networks?

Dude, it's about time to USE THE LOCAL POST OFFICE. It's time to give the Post Office Workers their works. All bills, messages, transactions will be sent through the Post Office. It will be  snail mails once again. Humans are much needed in the workforce! Yey!!  

We will be using a lot of papers and pens, word processing machines, xerox copiers and the PULP MILLS will soon rise up in the production of PAPER. Humans will have to learn how to print and write.

INK will flow because the FOREST INDUSTRY will be resurrected. 

The hell with AI or Artificial Intelligence because the truth is some HUMANS are more intelligent than AI programmed by Sam Altman. 

You wont be worried that some Health Care WORKERS are not robots because they are capable of human feelings and emotions. They have compassion and empathy and you wont be booted off to MAID.  How cruel MAID is right? 

HUMANS WILL BE HUMANS and HUMANITY WILL FLOURISH IN A CIVILIZED WORLD. You will soon see humans capable of kindness and you will see them as humans not monkeys. You will see the difference.

Thursday, February 13, 2025


 GOOD NEWS: The War in Ukraine & Russia will soon come to an END.

Thank God! Finally. Probably millions of lives loss! Russians never published or broadcast about the casualty in their country but with their generals or high ranking military officers are dying you know that so many troops been killed during the war and the enlistment of North Korean soldiers and Tibetan soldiers in their armed forces you know that their  military is getting outnumbered.

What if those Russian soldiers were the Ukrainian-Russians who fled Ukraine during the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster in 1986? 

Could it be that the war was actually Ukrainians Vs Ukrainians? 

Twisted evil war should never happened. What NATO did anyway? It was the beginning of military exercises that turned into war ... something went wrong. Then they want funds from the US and Canada. Fishy. Fishy. 

Anyway, all wars are somewhat fishy. Leaders who should deal with dispute or disagreement should just have a DUEL. Whoever wins then the winner. No need for war and no need to sacrifice the whole population for what? So that millions will die in the war? That's stupidity. That's actually INSANITY.

US should set their foot right against abuse of power and abuse of WAR as excuse to gain profit, to promote weapons of mass destruction, to change way of life, to create chaos within countries, to annihilate those who they dislike and barriers to their supremacy, most of all the power for ethnic cleansing. 

BILLIONS OF PEOPLE ON EARTH. Too heavy. They thought annihilation of humans through wars the only answer. Mind boggling.

I'm craving for fish for dinner. I hope they are not radioactive.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025


 Since 2020 the world seemed to stop spinning. The whole world is problematic on the issues of HIGH COST OF LIVING, over priced houses, condominiums, rental homes too pricey for humans, high inflation, high falutin price of foods, consumer products and nothing spared to be happy about as in everything has a price and nobody can afford. Then the rise of Food Banks. Millions of people are recipients of Food Banks. Homeless people are all over the place. With the wildfires and other disaster and calamities, more homeless are being seen and counted. Wildfires not only consumed and decimated few houses but the whole towns in certain designated area in Canada, Hawaii and the latest in California.

They are all chaotic problems non-stop from year 2020 to at present year 2025.

The question of the incredible tariff from USA would mean extra excessive, exorbitant price of goods and services. If you cannot afford the stratospheric cost of living from 2020-2024 how you can afford this year?

OUTER LIMITS? Probably we are no longer on planet Earth.

Maybe, some humans are no longer humans. Maybe they are robots who don't eat or drink anymore. Maybe they don't have conscience and un-remorseful about humanity. They don't have feelings and most of all lack empathy and what you can do about it?

Monday, February 10, 2025


 For whatever it is every country's leader,  in the world knew about their BUDGET and they knew the Balance & Check. They have the right to see and check the Government spending,expenditures, investments, what it is the outcome and income for fiscal year, every year after year. 

With Pres. Trump always in the news about "Why he would pay $200 BILLIONS to Canada?"

"Yeah, why? Tell us why US (Not really TRUMP) has to pay $200 BILLIONS if that's the truth.

Before he was saying $250 BILLIONS. Why $200 BILLIONS now?

Check the Accounting of the US GOVERNMENT where monetary payments are paid by whom? What that payment is for.

WE ARE ACTUALLY CURIOUS. The whole world is very, very curious!


 PHILadelphia Eagles won against Kansas City Chiefs this year's SUPERBOWL 2025. Well it's about time!

Don't you think so? CONGRATS!! 

Because it would be so unfair if every time one team wins so many times as in there is no such thing that one leader would exceeds a Presidential term or being Prime Minister for the rest of their lives UNLESS of course it is from their own wealth the budget of the land would be used for their tenure and for their works and the works of the many Departments or Ministries.

How & Why former Pres.Marcos was a President for 20 years in Philippines? First of all, did he bragged about his wealth of the bars of GOLD he owned and the Golden Buddha with diamonds in its head? He was rich way back then before he became the President of Philippines. He was a brilliant lawyer and a soldier. One man contested about it his one enemy in politics who dreamed of becoming a President. His wife became the President and through her admin. she thought charm and her appeal of the mass would be her legacy. Not enough though. Nobody would work for her without compensation. The Military was left out without salary, no wages and how they could feed, clothe, and send their sons and daughters to school and colleges/university? How many coup de'tat to send such messages of a government without fund and without budget would mean a global peril of chaos. Then the ousted of the US Naval and Subic Bases out of Philippines? Did Pinatubo eruption help with that situation? Almost like atomic bomb had exploded that day. The day turned to darkness. Long story, long history. She asked for help from China. is that good? READ PHILIPPINE HISTORY for your own perusal.


The TRUMP TARIFF  THREATS: Canada already had retaliatory Tariff against Trump's 25% Tariff.  However POTUS Trump said he was misunderstood. He cancelled the imposition of Tariff for 30 days which should happen on March 2025. Then later on changed of mind again? It's within this week the 25% Tariff for Steel & Aluminum. I think wait for that imposition and order in "written document." 

It wont be unwritten. Transactions in millions and billions of dollars should be written and documented.

Who do you think will suffer with the 25% Tariff ? The exporter or the importer?

25% TARIFFS would go directly for the TRUMP GOVERNMENT. 

The Exporter & Importer will suffer including the Consumers. 


Later on TRUMP will have  enemies on both sides. 

It's Elementary my dear Aquarius. It's PSYCHOLOGY!

LOGIC. WISDOM do you have it?


Sunday, February 9, 2025


 Just this morning, happened to start viewing some YOU TUBE videos and noticed so many video producers (mostly foreigners) who are trying to promote PHILIPPINES. 

They are tourists, who happened to find PHILIPPINES irresistible and the best place on Earth. Hmm, really? LOL. Are they sucking up or what? 

PHILIPPINES is really, truly beautiful. Actually the SPANIARDS thought Philippines was the PARADISE they were in search of in 15th Century. That's why with the symbol of their cross they used religion as the code of their entry for their CONQUEST OF PARADISE.

CROSS in the Visayan region, the middle part, the 2nd large island of the Philippines. Did they planted the 2nd cross in Luzon or in the Mindanao region? 

+    +    +  


 Wonder why we have cenaculo in Philippines.

Why the Passion of Christ is played every year.

Who will be crucified at the Cross this year?

 For one thing ISRAEL never ever did the same Passion Play after JESUS CHRIST.

 Were the Spaniards already been ahead of the DNA/RNA process that PHILIPPINES is where JESUS CHRIST originated or HIS ancestry had been traced from Filipino bloodlines? 

That remain to be seen. 

Saturday, February 8, 2025


 I've been watching old movies recently for the sake of normalcy. lol.Too much politics is really not good. It's just that its more of bad news most of the time. So better relax and watch movies.

ARE YOU HERE - Comedy/Drama. Two best friends who were friends for life with all the drama behind them until one day one of them had inherited a big fortune and since then their lives intertwined and had changed them for the better at the end. Starring: Owen Wilson, Zach Galifianakis, Amy Poehler

GET OVER IT - Romance/Comedy/Light Drama/Musical - I didn't know that Kirsten Dunst can sing. This movie is great for teens. It's  musical what can I say. Good story with happy ending.

DEAR EVAN HANSEN - Drama/Light Comedy/ Musical - Evan is a High School student with anxiety and the only friend he had was the East Indian guy then Connor came into the picture then Zoe the sister of Connor who would like to befriend Evan. However Evan was anxious and nervous almost like a geek.  Connor had a  problem of his own and suddenly something so shocking happened and Evan was stunned and "played along" with the grieving family. He already had explained it was his own writing the "letter" but still the parents insisted that it was the only memory that symbolized their son's passing of being a good kid somehow even if Zoe was reluctant to accept about her brother being good. So the "play along" continued until a tribute to Connor's memory had helped raised $100,000 for the Connor Project. The question of whether a "Cat's Cradle " is believable or not then it is a Grand Falloon. Evan Hansen is played by Ben Platt who is a talented singer.

I like this movie. Maybe I'M A GEEK or AUTISTIC. Ha ha ha!

This is really a very old movie THE NOTORIOUS LANDLADY- It was in Black & White. lol. Drama/Suspense/ Mystery. A beautiful landlady rented her extra room to a stranger who happened to work with a diplomat and a police officer. However the tenant fell in love with the landlady and thought her landlady was innocent of the crime. Innocent or guilty? Find it out for yourself.



 I TOLD YOU SO... Everyday is breaking news! 

Whoever think about this is a genius.

Thanks to Google, TIME, You Tube & Global News for the images.

Can ELON MUSK become a President in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA? Knowing he was born in South Africa. Then his family moved to Canada and become Canadian citizen. For him to become US PRESIDENT? Uhm...👽👾👽👾👀

Did you know that the famous action star Arnold Schwarzenegger had that ambition to become US President. It didn't happen. Although he was married to the famous Kennedy. 

But who knows? He > Elon Musk is the richest man in the world. But maybe, maybe if he's the TRILLIONAIRE, just maybe Americans would allow a change in their Constitution.


Friday, February 7, 2025


 THE RICH & POWERFUL are afraid of the Tik Tok & recently the DeepSeek because it's Chinese! 

Are we not afraid of META, FACEBOOK & GOOGLE & X?

X is no longer Twitter.  Twitter is free but X is not free. Reason why  X is probably hunting those who never pay for their subscription to their  X Company owned by Elon Musk.

Oh well are you not afraid of Chinese foods? Some people are so weird you know. 

Do you know how many inspired stuff that are of Chinese origins that are being used all over the world? You must grateful for their contributions to mankind such as: Chinese cuisines, silverware, Chinese wok, pots and pans, utensils, chinaware and gold and gemstones: jewelries, paper, metal coins, fireworks, gunpowder, dynamites,  candle-making, computers and calculators, computer chips, the art of making confectionary(candies), medicines, textiles, silk industry, art of printing, books, calligraphy, martial arts, film industry (Matrix style kung fu animation 3D effect visualization that's originally Chinese), etc., etc.

It is said to believe that the Chinese are great when it comes with Math and computation but because the only race who invented abacus which is the ancient calculator cash register. The use of paper money that's Chinese origin. The ancient Egyptian adopted that and used their papyrus. Just like the Filipinos... Chinese are hardworking people.

Chinese had contributed so much to every countries in the world. The raising of silkworms for raw silk production  was  then praised by the ancient Romans and Greek including the Jews. Royalty way back then,  love the silk robes and Jesus loves to wear purple robes made of silk and so were Roman Emperors.

Why being too racist about other country's achievement? When you are benefited from it? How selfish are you? Are the White people too insecure or what?

In CHINA, they like White people actually. They would rather have Americans or Canadians living with them in high-rised condominiums. They usually asked if there's White people living in those skyscrapers before they purchase a unit in one of those expensive condominiums. 

In PHILIPPINES, they like White people coming and visit  their country. If they like to migrate in Philippines it's ok. Get proper documentation and live there. Join showbiz and maybe you'll entertain the Filipinos love for showbiz. Filipinos have the  aristocratic blood of the Spanish and Chinese, they love being entertained by WHITE skinned people who are smart and beautiful.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

SLEEPING CELLS Sleeper cells

 Did you know that if you have sleeping cells... you have Cancer? 

However, with TRUMP your President ...  Americans and Canadians will be wide awake night and day, day and night 24/7. You wont be sleeping at all. He's gonna keep you awake!

FOR FIRST HUNDRED DAYS! Something controversial, outrageous, eccentric, bizarre to talk about.

There's always BREAKING NEWS. Tongues wagging. Wag the DOGE. 


Everyday is a brand new day with a brand new subject, a brand new topic for discussion. 

If you're left behind with the tariff news... you are left behind in his train of thought. Unstoppable train.

You need a journey to the center of the Earth. 

But before that NATIONAL BREAKFAST PRAYER in USA will be official. They should have fireworks too every time to keep the devils away. You know... 

So darn it. Where & when they will open 👽👽👽THE UFO FILES👽👽👽is it for real or hoax?

Wednesday, February 5, 2025


 Hmm... heard of SPIKE PROTEINS? What makes your proteins spiked? Are you playing volleyball? tennis? Too much computers and cellphones?

Your DNA & RNA are made of molecules, mostly CHROMOSOMES. Well mostly proteins too... PROTEINS are for GROWTH its the building blocks. You need proteins for your well being, for your health, for your mental and physical well being. You are smarter than animals. You are the highest form of beings because of the amount of proteins in your brain and body.

DNA Vs RNA - Google Image

According to your doctors, spike proteins in your blood had something to do with CANCER OR LONG COVID.

Why it spiked?

Why there are spikes? OVERACTIVE. Calm down... meditate.

Most of the electronics being used in hospitals, in clinics have RFI  Radio Frequency Inference. It has "waves" and most of the electronic machines and gadgets have "magnets."

What is MAGNET? What are magnets known for?

Have you studied magnets in elementary Science and Physics?

Can you magnetized grains of sand from a piece of paper? Try it. Can you SEE the reaction?  

There are SPIKES.

Trick or treat.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

RELAX! Watch Movies

 I think it is better to relax and not pressure ourselves with all the brouhaha out there. Look, check your blood pressure. It's not good listening or watching of everyday news, of everyday uncertainties, not really good for the heart.

WATCH Comedy movies. Certainly good for your heart,  for your breathing.

Not a fan of comedy?


Hmm... Try GLADIATOR II. It is the sequel to the GLADIATOR movie. You wont believe how many acts of combats in this second or sequel movie. They poured in water turning the colloseum like it was a "sea" and two ships were brought in to the spectacle of the Romans. Suspense and mystery added to the dramatic/action ambience of this movie.

How about this suspense/thriller SPEAK NO EVIL. I first thought James McAvoy is the lead actor here but he keeps being in a movie that portrays him as "crazy." This time he is the "doctor" with a wife and mysterious son who has a disability. They were on vacation in Italy and met British couple with a 10 year old girl. The two couples became friends. Later on the couple with a daughter were invited by the doctor's family to their homestead in the country. They were surprised on where the doctor and his family live  but they were not judgmental at first just that they were stunned and feeling strange but life goes on and when you think that impression could lead to something deeper, it was kind of too late.

This movie is psychological thriller. Don't know if you'll like it. 

So if one door closes try another door. There are millions of movies to watch. HollywoodSuite channels have 4 of them in your TV and they are FREE.


 IF YOU DON'T NEED PRODUCTS FROM CANADA WHY YOU WANT CANADA FOR? To make it as 51st STATE? Again and again,  he wants Canada to be the 51st State. He is being childish you know.

Seems absurd. There must be something in Canada that he is obsessed of. I wonder what that is? A new base for the Military?

Because people from Hawaii were full of complaints about their US Navy being based in Hawaii. They want the base out from the island. Hawaiians are Americans... don't know why they are complaining. Do you know why?

I know we love USA! WE love Americans. Their bases are all over the world. They have military bases in Philippines in Subic Naval and another one somewhere else. Don't know if they still in operation. With the eruption of Mount Pinatubo, the largest military base was defunct? then moved in ? where? It's not my business, maybe it is a strategical plan that they need bases in the Pacific. Well, they are known as world's liberators, freedom fighters. Americans are like "heroes." But with the present situation they are becoming the BIG BULLIES. They have more enemies now and they are not welcome in some countries who frowned about what they are doing with their neighbors, allies and friends. FRIENDS NO MORE? The trust been tarnished.

PM Justin Trudeau's counter strike had POTUS changed his mind and postponed the exorbitant tariffs of 25%. He also delayed 25% tariffs for Mexico. While China filed complaint to World Trade Organization. 

Canadians wont back down. Canadians are not to be bullied by the richest country in the world. Maybe they should try a better strategy that is more humane. Something not too arrogant. 

Anyway, 30 days just a matter of "in preparation" for another twist and turn. 

First thought the POTUS would stop the war between Ukraine & Russia. 

However, that's not the agenda anymore. He's making more enemies than friends. This is not great for Americans. The NEWS NETWORKS are happy about all the news being generated from all the bullying and how other people reacted with the stunts or what kind of stupid games they are playing. Canadians are not playing stupid games. Seriously this is not about game! This is not about fentanyl.  They want you to secure and protect all borders for something else. Canadians and Mexicans are guarding the borders to secure and protect USA from something else. 

OMG! I think E.T. is out there. lol

They are too happy about rumors, conflicts, and all kind of news because somehow they make money though the propagation of news. IT'S JUST TOO EVIL.

Monday, February 3, 2025


 You know what? I PRAYED FOR MR. TRUMP TO WIN THE 2024 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. I believed that he was cheated on his second term. All Republican Presidents usually and normally stayed in Presidency on 8 years in power.

I was thinking that there is such an "urgent emergency" that need to be done why  Democrats been chosen for the next 4 years. First that PANDEMIC OF COVID 19 which is quite unknown then what's the cause but there is a vaccine for unknown virus. Suspicious? Then the military exercises by NATO which resulted to Russian Invasion of Ukraine. Another suspicious arise.

 Now what? What's going on? I always watch NEWS since I was a very young girl in Philippines. When I first arrived here in Canada, NEWS watching is my daily task from 1992 up to present time 2025. I know all the news, I have a very long memory. "My TV is MY PENTAGON." I see things where it happen 24/7.

How military exercises had turned into invasion of Russia? After the Winter Olympic Games in China. Russia is not planning of invasion. NATO was to allow military exercises at the border of Russia & Ukraine. Russia was involved and other European countries. Russian tanks were in the picture/videos aboard Russian tanks are Ukrainians, interviewed by CBC News journalists. Oh well they had archives. They knew what they know.

With just Pres.Trump in power in USA probably it's GREAT. However with the tactic of Elon Musk... that changed dramatically and suspiciously WEIRD.

I know Americans are so enamored with Elon who is the world's richest man! Duh! Is he a genius? Or his scientists working for his plants are the geniuses. Canadians, Europeans,  and Africans are not going gaga with Elon. He is just a human being or is he? Canada and Canadians are not to be bought by Elon.

CANADA is not impressed with Billionaires. It's just a number.



Please do not use this TARIFF as means to create war and rumors of war. This could get very nasty. It could strike the GREAT DEPRESSION similar to WORLD WAR II & NAZI HOLOCAUST. Canada is not a NAZI Country.


IT's not about DRUG WAR.  This is not about Fentanyl. ALCOHOL liquors and wines too potent to kill and can cause CANCER, Alzheimer's, Dementia and BRAIN MALADY. Alcohol can kill  and had killed millions of people.


 WE KNOW THAT IT WILL SNOW TODAY & THE NEXT DAY in Vancouver without asking those groundhogs forecast.  At least this time the weather forecast is real.

What's going on? LIQUORS alcoholic beverages MADE IN USA are being pulled out in Canadian market. Wonder why? It's because they are more potent to kill than fentanyl. ?


RED RED many RED COLORS on stock market!! 


Now, be careful on the roads and highways. Drive safely and make sure you have shovel ready and make sure that your car tires are equipped with winter tires. 

It's up to Ministry of Education and Ministry of Transportation to announce if there is suspension in schools and university.

Saturday, February 1, 2025



Just a while ago the Prime Minister of Canada

JUSTIN TRUDEAU announced the retaliatory tariffs against American goods.



All the Premiers of the provinces of Canada had responded accordingly for the better, against tariff threats by Trump.

Think that you cannot be bullied by a Hitler in the White House. Sorry to say that but if he is playing a wicked, cruel and evil game this is not the time to do that. 

The devil in the WH... would like to counter act that according to the latest news, as imposing more tariffs. STOP THE STUPID GAME. Start cleaning up yourself with your conscience so that you have a legacy that people in the next generation can read not being deleted in the pages of US & WORLD HISTORY.

What's wrong with that man? Is he going crazy?

SETI can you find out for me if the man in the WH is an alien or a demon?

What's wrong with the Americans who allowed their own leader to maltreat other countries and other people especially their own ally, friends and neighbors.

Would you allow such radical, evil, wicked and cruel to rule you and what kind of economy you want? Out of greed?

Anyway... no one is above the law. THERE IS CONGRESS. There are smarter and brighter senators and politicians out there, they are lawmakers. I don't think they are all greedy, corrupt, evil, irresponsible and I don't think they are cowards. They know when a law is a law and knows how to use it. Learn to say NO & STOP the DEVIL to rule your country.

Look at what happened with South Korean President being impeached by its own people. A government is by the people, for the people, of the people...PEOPLE. Group of people. POPULATION OF PEOPLE. Nobody can rule the world by himself alone nor no one can rule and dominate one's country alone. 

It's only 2 weeks of Presidency of that POTUS and revenge is on his mind. But why Canada and Canadians his target? I can't understand how his brain works. Is he possessed? Is he wired? You know Elon Musk had told before in the news about "latest invention microchip for the brains for memory" maybe he's on trial experiment eh?

KNOW WHO ARE THE HITLER  & NAZI  IN YOUR COMMUNITY. You don't want another Holocaust.

Counter Strike?

 Why US Pres. Trump always mentioned "Fentanyl" every time he was asked about the TARIFF that the reason why he's to impose 25% Tariff to Canadian goods its because of the illegal drugs Fentanyl coming from Canada. Really?

What is FENTANYL? Fentanyl is an opiod drugs to relieve severe pain during surgery and operations in hospital. It is more potent than Oxycontin. 

So why Fentanyl is prescribed by surgeons and doctors to their patients if its a "poison?"

It is poison if its given as an overdose. Because it is highly addictive, patients have no control of using and taking Fentanyl to relieve pain of their aches especially for those who are suffering of Cancer. Humans or some humans - the patients get addicted to pain medication! Sometimes, they don't follow the normal dosage. They died because of OVERDOSE. This has something to do with the users of Fentanyl who do not follow the required dosage.

ALL DRUGS, ALL MEDICINES HAVE SIDE EFFECTS. Not only Fentanyl can kill because of overdose. ALL MEDS can kill if you don't follow the required dosage.

I browsed to the internet. Fentanyl is manufactured in Purdue Pharma which is in Canada. But the Fentanyl injection is produced in India. 

Also according to POTUS that illegal aliens coming from Canada migrating illegally to the US? Is that true? Hmm... maybe from US to Canada.  

SETI can you help seek and search those "illegal aliens?" 


1. BUY CANADIAN GOODS! Patronize local goods and services. Buy local commodities. 

2. BE FRUGAL and buy MADE IN CANADA. Counter Tariff tax against Imports from USA.

3. BOYCOTT AMERICAN COMPANIES IN CANADA. I hope you don't mind that Americans.

4. TRADE & COMMERCE with other countries in ASIA: Philippines, Japan, China, Korea, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, India  (all South East Asian countries) expand/extend trade and commercialization with Australia, New Zealand & European countries. 

5. Build large container ships the size of  EVERGREEN shipping lines to transport Canadian products.

P.S.   I hope it wont go down to this point just because somebody is obsessed with CANADA as he wished that it's the 51st STATE of USA. 

HITLER had that kind of obsession. 

PUTIN wants to re-unite all the old U.S.S.R. countries including Ukraine. Why not? There are 4 million Ukrainians-Russians in Russia.


UPDATE Looks like slapping Canada with 25% would take place on Tuesday not February 1, 2025. 

Did you know if somebody has alzheimer's or dementia?