Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Household Debts

 Household debts. According to the news on TV just recently that from among the G7 members Canada has the highest household debts!

Really? Are you sure?

Could it be that because Canadians are great consumers and they have high rating credibility score from among the G7 members? Its becoming a cashless society.

Or could it be that because Canadians used cards (credit and debit cards) more often than cash.

It is happening in cashless society wherein household debts are so rampant and the trouble of keeping receipts sometimes a pain just because we all want refund for some of the things we bought with "receipts." Recibo. If we could only refund RX prescription meds.

Remember the CIA and FBI motto? CIA do not keep records. FBI keep records.

Anyway, so household debts of Canadians are popular more than ever its because of credibility that if you owned credit cards you are more credible and believable because that what is the true nature of trade and or transaction in the new world order. NEW WORLD ORDER.

While using cash is most often used in other countries like for easy, convenient transaction as the medium of exchange is to be trusted as in "In God We Trust" dollars to dollars. In Third World Country where cash is good and credit is not. Simply put it this way that cash or having cash is much appreciated because you don't have the bank to bank interaction and you don't have to pay for every bank transaction. So it depends on safety and security + convenience of the user and receiver.

NOTE: With the vast natural resources God has endowed on country Canada and to think that these vast amount of resources cannot be used or fathom nor Canadians are not benefited from all of those resources it is a shame on how and why there are impoverished Canadians or why there are homeless Canadians living poorly or being in a low income level. Hmm...are you not curious why?

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