Saturday, May 27, 2023

Aliens Beware!

 The usual NEWS ON TV aside from your favorite SPORTS are the ff.:

DEBT CEILING deadline in the US &  the highest household debts belong to Canadians from among the G7. Wow!

Do you still pay cash or use cash in the buying and selling of goods? You should. 

CASH PAYMENT is like or similar to an oil that keep the trade smooth and easy. Convenient for most people because you don't have to divulge any personal information just that you have purchasing power. Cash payment is used mostly in third world countries or any country in the world where cash is the best payment ever. CASH is good as GOLD.

There are countries in the world, almost a cashless society! In a new world order, a cashless society is when you can use options by debit cards, credit cards or cheques in payment for goods and services. Bank to bank transaction sometimes good for those whose purchasing by bulk or wholesale. 

Other form of payments include barter and or donation in kind.

Loopholes also to be considered as payment.

Why Canada from among the G7 countries with highest household debts? Simply put it this way as you only have debts if you have records. Some countries they don't really count their debts. ? WTF!!? OMG! Some of them don't keep records of their debts! Ha ha ha! Shocking?!?! Or because they can only borrow or loaned money on limited amount or limited debt ceiling. Other countries asking for higher debt ceiling depends on gold reserves or how you have to pay for those loans. How large is your resources? What are those assets and resources?

The old people or seniors in Canada are being left out or left behind. The Old Age Pensions too small for seniors to be happy about and to think that so many or them a sin majority of them are sickly with high cost medical expenses that are not free for them. Health Care is free in BC, thank God! but the meds are rocket-sky high now too just like housing. Only in Canada! You wonder what those old people at the Parliament are doing? They are older than the river and yet they are not thinking about OLD AGE SECURITY. Hmm, maybe they are not who we think they are. Maybe they are aliens with old wrinkle faces!! Maybe they are reptilians from another planet. Maybe they are the V from the movie VISITORS only always after WATER.

Well, don't let it be another Watergate waiting to scandalously happen to our planet.

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