Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Shooting & Stabbing: When Will It Ends?

 What's really happening with our planet? What's going on with the many people around the world? How and why there is non-stop violence and how and why it cannot be controlled? It seems like everyday happenings now are stabbing and shooting incidents indifferent parts of Canada & USA. Shooting and stabbing are becoming the norm. Is that really true news or fake news?

Stabbing and shooting the most common used words in Canada & American news. Mind boggling.

Why too many people going crazy and or gone berserk. Just recently, an old American woman shot two women who wrongly used her parking space of her house as a U-turn, one of those two women had been fatally shot and died. Then another incident when a black teen happened to knock at the wrong door trying to pick up his brother. The old man, owner of the house gone crazy and shot the boy in the head and face, fortunately he lives but in critical condition in the hospital. Wow! What's wrong with those people? Could it be that the side effects of their meds or those vaccines are doing a reversal of fortune? Or they probably watch the movie "Mom & Dad" starring Nicolas Cage & Selma Blair?

However, in that Mom & Dad movie it's the parents of the kids gone crazy killing their own kids for no apparent reason other than their statue of limitations had been ignited and they had enough.

It is in this modern generation that abortion is legal in the US. Have you seen mass of people who rallied about the right for abortions? Abortion is about death. In other words you are after to kill unborn babies. There are reasons why there's necessity for abortion and some valid reasons apply such as if the baby is a product of rape, polygamy, incest, or can jeopardize the health and well being of the pregnant mother. Some reasons are just plain evil or for the sake of killing and sacrificial lambs. Hmm, so many women wanting to abort their own sins. You should abstain or use birth control. Abstinence should be taught in schools, church  and everywhere. Or cut some people's penises and let those eunuchs suffer consequences. Queen Nefertiti allowed the chopping of penises during her Egyptian ascend to the throne why not use that process in this generation instead. Jeffrey Dahmer cut penises of his victims and stored them in the jar for his next meal. Gross!

Mercy killing. Where in the world that some health care workers have the right to kill their own patients? Only God has the right to do what is right for those who need that mercy.

Yeah it's all shooting as in they have the right to bear arms. Shooting here & there. Whew! Make a movie for God sake! I don't know what it is but it makes news networks busy when there are shootings so maybe this devilish outlandish behaviour are media inspired and they thought could land them in Hollywood. Beware though, if they started using "common names and common numbers" in the shooting or stabbing... they are fake news connecting with their games.

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