Monday, April 10, 2023

Hot & Cold

 Would you believe Quebec and Ontario had ice storm recently and hundreds of thousands of those families had power outage and the use of generators and gas stoves didn't help much because of carbon monoxide poisoning. That's right, it is bad to use your bbq propane gas inside your homes. USE THEM outDOORS!!

Sudden surge of families wanting to have freebies, rather use the availability of food banks because of the high cost of living in Canada is almost unstoppable. What does it means? Why not? We cannot blame those people (families) if they want to survive in Canada, they must think HOUSING first, the head over shoulders first priority. As you probably know even before that there's no affordable housing everywhere in Canada. If there's any available probably they are the run-down, moldy rotten asbestos infested houses, apartments and leaking condos. There's no more apartment or house for rent for the amount that you think your family can survive through the cold winter months or the hottest month of the year. The newly built condos, houses, apartments are meant for millionaires not for low income families. So the tent people will surely expand not only in Hasting's.

We cannot blame those people if they visit food banks for daily needs. SURVIVAL is such a way of life now in Canada. For those low income families waiting for grocery rebate? Is that even true real news or fake news? With the approaching strike looming of CRA workers that would hamper or put hindrance for the rebates intended for those families in need. If only Finance Min. Freeland used the word "Emergency Grocery Rebates" for Canadian families to help them then probably the influx and sudden surge of people running towards Food Bank wont cause a stir.

Politics such a spin, great spin by spinners who think that by causing a red tape to every thing will make them very important in every step of the way. Huh!? It only make those people think of is the Government the problem or the problem is actually the politicians and their strategy made them so stupid? lol. Then they will beg for your votes next election? What the hell is that? it getting HOT now?

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