Sunday, March 26, 2023

Who They Have To Blame? Race is an issue

 The recent news I saw on TV NEWS Network: 79 % of the population in Victoria, BC felt unsafe because of the increasing crimes happening in their city. What about in mainland Vancouver? The hate and violence towards the Asian community in Vancouver is very much visible and felt since the pandemic of COVID-19. Scenes of Asian people being hit and punched at the subway and sky train, or being punched and faces slapped while on sidewalks by strangers they don't know just because they were Asians or they looked like Chinese. 

Asians such as Chinese, Koreans, Filipinos, Vietnamese are being the target of hate and violence most especially when they are on the roads, highways, parking areas and where places predominantly run by White race or other race with high superiority complex.

The PARKING AREAS or at the parking lots also the target of crimes and violence. Parked vehicles on parking area being hit and bumped as "target of inflicting injury?' when the owner/driver is not around? Then the business owners/establishments should provide or install more CCTV that monitor that parking area/lot or parking space because it's the right to do. Report any disturbance or any accidents happening from any parking space. Be vigilant and if ever you witness  such commotion, any wrongdoing, any crime at the parking area, you as eyewitness should report them to the police. 

What other crimes happening at the parking area? Carnapping is more common than ever. Too many vehicles (cars, trucks) are being stolen by thieves while those vehicles are parked. Too many vandalism happening and part of those gangsters act of hate are stripping, and putting scars and dents on vehicles or breaking the car's glass windows. This kind of hate is very rare in Canada. It is becoming common and rampant now because of racism, bullying and those unhappy humans are taking their rage and savage behaviour on other people as part of revenge or just that who they have to blame?

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