Tuesday, April 5, 2022

 With the amount of information I have and the amount of skills and knowledge I could be wealthier than those people from other countries. However, I am not into graft and corruption.

That's what it is folks. 

So it is the purity of stay hungry and stay smarter? Ha ha ha! I am not into that Steve Jobs's motto of STAY HUNGRY. STAY STUPID.

Weird or what. Look at those 24 hour news journalists who never go home anymore as in they are the mainstays for their news network  being ever loyal to the only workplace they know. 

Nobody in the business of providing news get to be millionaire or billionaire ONLY the owner of the business bureau.

CBC NEWS NETWORK is a GOVERNMENT OWNED NEWS NETWORK not a privately owned business.

So, there you go suddenly the QUESTION PERIOD suddenly opens at the PARLIAMENT.

My God! Why you have to wait for my message! LOL.


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