Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Two Years of Mind Control

 I don't know why my computer is acting up crazy. My internet connection is almost at the speed of light but recently, actually today it is being disconnected after we paid our bills as in religiously. I think the hackers are hacking again. Dudes, whoever you are don't know what you are after in my computer. SPYING AGAIN EH?

By the way, morning television news network were reporting that there is less restriction to the "mandate given by health officers" for Canada during the pandemic. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Finally, they realized that it is unhealthy to use humans as laboratory rats.

In other words, if 3x vaccinated individuals can still get infected with COVID, what is that VACCINES for? Supposedly it takes only ONE VACCINE to protect humans from such virus if the vaccine is the one that could STOP THE VIRUS. However, more than one vaccine injected in your muscle or skin for the whole year? WEIRD & CREEPY. 

The only explanation those doctors on TV, there is always another, different virus. Right, just like flu virus that comes and go every year because how can you stop the birds and other wild animals in providing you with the virus and  the polluted land, air, water, and the noise, noise is also a "pollution" including humans whose insane ideology could bankrupted the whole Earth. Now that you know, PANDEMIC could mess up with your brains, your mental health and that's the worse thing that could ever happen.

Only now that those government servants knew what's going on as if they were mentally controlled for the long duration of pandemic. TWO YEARS of MIND CONTROL.

Maybe, what we need is > lots of sunshine. I know all of you are looking like ASWANGS! Some of you looked like Vampires. LOL. The rests are walking dead. 

SUNSHINE it's all what we need or you can call the ISS and let us see if they will cover the clouds again and winter returns before spring.

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