For a while there's no covid news whatsoever in the news network but it was replaced with deaths of many homeless people hooked on drugs. DRUG OVERDOSE and OPIOD OVERDOSE is the most common cause of death.
Hey, could it be that's the reason why they just replaced it with the pandemic covid? Because before the pandemic in China had its news on TV, opiod overdose was actually a non-stop crisis in Canada. Maybe worse in other countries in the world.
Nobody's buying that news of overdose so they keep on reviving the covid.
The relentless pursuit of changing news for 24/7 news network is they have to investigate or have their field reporters to do the work diligently outside of their comfort zones away from their bunker. They outsource news from sources who keep feeding them fake news and old news from the past and we are victims of their hoard news.
The restrictions or that covid mandate will soon come to an end sometime in June according to the news. While other provinces had enough of the pandemic scare and will end restrictions after February of 2022. Well, let us hope so. And if you cannot take anymore of such redundant covid news? TURN OFF YOUR TV OR CHANGE CHANNELS and WATCH MOVIES and TV SERIES instead. That's what smart people do. They cannot be reliant on news network for their daily lives.
The FLU of 1918 - 1919 was the cause and effect of the World War I and the pandemic lasted after World War II because the source of medicines such as penicillin and other scientific breakthroughs didn't materialize right immediately ? Really? and now that we have the modern science and modern equipment and all the sources and resources still the pandemic lingers? Think are being used.
That's why DESIDERATA was written to commemorate such incredible stunning RAT RACE.
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