Friday, August 23, 2019

Big Brother & Alone

BIG BROTHER. Analyze was evicted from Big Brother House instead of Christie. I think it has something to do with their speech. Analyze seems ready to move on to the Jury with Jack & Kathryn. Christie is not ready yet as being too emotional. A prank situation happened to the BB House when they were all subjected to listen to many incredible noise of birds tweeting, birds noises of all kinds. It was just a prank and not a part of the test. Instead a game was held to roll the ball to where it will land on numbers 1 to 50. Holly rolled the ball and fortunately landed on number 50 which is the highest number and nobody beats her on that game. Holly is the new HOH. Do you think Christie is sill the target for eviction? Big Brother resumes on Sunday for another exciting game of endurance? Game on social skills and cues? What could be? What is zingbot's new gimmick?

ALONE. The survivalist's show finally ended last night. Only 3 contestants remain on the frozen arctic zone. The lake is frozen and there;s no more rabbits left for Woniya. No more food and no more additional rabbit's fur. Another contestant had his shelter burned on the ground by accident. It's over for him and he tapped out and the helicopter came to the rescue first thing in the morning. It's over too for Woniya.  Jordan bored a hole on the frozen lake and caught a pike. Jordan was located in the smaller island surrounded by frozen lake and yet he is the luckiest contestant having been hunted by wolverines, one of which he butchered and its carcass hanging outside his shelter. He was lucky to have that huge moose and the meat he kept on top of the "tree top" away from the rabid fangs of wolves and many wild animals. However, at the last part of this series he forgot to put away the ladder and the moose meats are gone. He was having the pike for his meal when he heard the helicopter's noise and he thought the medic were there to just record his vitals but actually he won the survival contest in the frozen Arctic region. 72 long days to survive in the unforgiving harsh climate region of the Arctic is really quite outstanding and incredible. This is one for the record for National Geographic maybe. What do they get from this kind of survival test? The winner wins $500,000. They are doing it for the monies!!!!!!!!! You can't find work earning $500,000 in 72 days. TRUTH IS...There's no job that offers a salary of $500,000 in 72 days.

Maybe you can live in the Arctic part or region provided that you have an insulated house, with lots of food stocks, that the lake has fish even if its frozen, there are wild animals around such as moose, wolves, rabbits , squirrels and there are wild berries and there's a woody forest. All you need is to build a log house with fireplace and somehow you can survive to live longer for years being alone without electricity. ? I don't think so.

No man is an island.

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