The season finale of THE WALKING DEAD: The Storm was tame and peaceful. There was a snowstorm in Georgia and finding insulated home during the winter snowstorm is hard to find that the group of survivors have to walk to the snowy blizzard with zombies trapped under the frozen snow however this time nobody dies. Lydia tried to go on a suicide by having her arm to offer to a zombie on the snowy road right in time when Carol found her and her attempt to commit suicide was cut short, although she tried to escape Carol still tried to stop her, it was sort of tearjerker for both of them trying to reason out both ways on how they can reconcile and forgive each other from what happened to Henry. By the way, Carol had given her ring to Ezequiel. I think it's over between Ezequiel and Carol to the great applause of Daryl & Carol fanatics.Yey! So tell me where is Maggie? Nobody's looking for Maggie Greene. You can look for Eugene but not for Maggie.
Another heroism is discovered when Negan helped rescue Judith from the blizzard when Judith tried to help catch the dog from being the nuisance that it is. I think somehow all is forgotten and forgiven that Michonne will soon trust Negan and thus will help them conquer the Alpha movement. Evil vs. the Demons. What the hell!
The last scenes were Alpha and Beta doing their kind of penitencia moment. Beta hitting Alpha with long whip that can cause wounds and bleeding on her arm. Their moment of Lent.
Hilltop to Alexandria radio communication. Another radio communication getting raise in the air. Really? Don't tell me Morgan and his group of survivors from FEAR TWD will join THE WALKING DEAD?
To think that Alpha & Beta's a greater threat than the walker zombies... ?
We wont know until the next episodes...
WHEN? Long waiting game again?
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