Pretty Boy Alliance Vs. Into the Badlands? Orphan Black Vs. LGBT What? I don' know where its going or who should be the HOH or did somebody used the POV according to their conscience or somehow they are confused and the use of the Blood Veto was used in a very clever way or somebody just wasted the Blood Veto?
Kiki was eliminated despite the plea. The Pretty Boys would rather have Mark instead of Kiki to continue the game. How Kiki had a sprain on her toe or ankle? How she hurt herself? Whatever!
Those who were sent home were actually seen as barrier or hindrance to anybody's game. They thought these "people" were stronger candidate to win the all time BIG BROTHER (HOH) this season.
In previous Big Brother Canada shows, those who were eliminated were the strongest and smartest in this social game, trivia quest, puzzles, and mazes. Why the most likeables are booted off first? Maybe they knew it inside the BB House that's why. When those likeabilities (from viewers) became disabilities that's the start of inside dominance and the most likely to win gets eliminated. Endurance, agility, social cues and patience and those who are the "silent types" always end up competing at the very last day. They probably end up cleaning the house. LOL. It's a highly competitive game show that being the "silent water runs deep" win the Big Brother at the very last end? There must be something in there that they have to deal with the producer and the award giving body or the ones that give the prize plus the votes of the members of the jury still matter in this show. Deal or no deal system. The last scene or episode last night showed the remaining contestants have to embrace the big pipes as if they were all sloths sleeping while hanging down from the pipeline. Incredible show and the studio designs of every act, on every game category have us marveled of the expertise of the studio designers, painters and creative artists.
In SURVIVOR, outwit and outplay every competitor needs the vote. Each individual need the charisma and the vote of their group or whether they win in all the games, the votes must be counted. Still is a popularity vote from the opponents or the jury/judges have the last judgment who wins the game at the very last end and you think having to win the immunity can lead you to the winning circle. The immunity or idols being won by group is just a taste of having not to suffer from starvation as in they have a special supply of food and beverages. The only thing with BIG BROTHER & SURVIVOR the winning prizes are bigger and its better.
So when will they broadcast AMAZING RACE?
I had this post for draft. Better late than never.
UPDATE: Big Brother Canada - Cory won the HOH thr. the help of Adam. However through the many branches of hearsays and rumors Dane & Estefania are now on the chopping block. They were to be eliminated unless each one of them won the POV.
It would be hard to eliminate Sam because of her alliance with Adam and maybe because Samantha is a look-alike of the lead role character played by Minerva in "Into the Badlands." Oopss! She could be just a look-alike eh? If Dane will win the power of Veto he could eliminate Sam or Adam or could be Cory. However if Dane will be booted off, he will have to go higher on the stand as being the first member of the JURY for Big Brother Canada. It's a win-win situation for Dane and Estefania.
Remember it's just a GAME.
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