Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Gone And Out But Not Dead!

Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) final episode on the WALKING DEAD last Sunday. It was the most anticipating event for TWD fans actually. How the lead character must die? Well, the rest of the cast thought Rick died a hero after the explosion at the bridge where thousands upon thousands of zombies were chasing him. I don't know why the white horse is too slow to action when it could run as fast as it could to get away from those slow walking zombies. At least these zombies are different from the zombies in the movie "Train To Busan." Train to Busan is a term given to "ubusan."

I knew it that Rick wont die from such a great fall on the concrete slab even if he was badly hurt, bleeding to death and delirious with the hallucination happening talking to all the dead friends and acquaintance from Shane to Dr. Greene, to Sasha to almost everyone who passed away except Glen (the husband of Maggie). That's weird! Glen is the guy who saved Rick in the very first episode when he was cornered and trapped inside the military tank and zombies were all around him as in no way out.

This time it was Jadis or Ann who saved him from the bank of the river and together they were airlifted by the helicopter's pilot to a specific safe place. With the deal that Rick must compromise with Ann...we wont know until further of the very, very last finale of this number one zombie series.

What happened to the rest of the cast? Maggie didn't kill Negan. She saw something in Negan that stop her for a brutal slay. It's up to the script and because Negan revealed that it should be Maggie the target of the lucille bat but the baseball bat of torture and death landed on Glen's head. I think that time they were all possessed by the devil.

WAR is something awful and evil. War is the most violent, dreadful, horrific way of anihiliation of humanity. It is the total, massive way of destroying landscape, structures and mass population.

In the novel COURTNEY's WAR (Wilbur Smith and David Churchill's novel) which is somewhat a depiction of  the movie SCHINDLER's LIST in the most long narration of how evil can manifest in almost every living to defy time for evil horrendous purge that everything is almost out of control, deception, lying, espionage, murder and mass killing, atrocities without remorse just to survive, it's like hell on earth. The vicious wicked lies of having to accept 11 million Yids for processing turned out to be 35,000 naked men and women being put to death every two days and then let them buried into the pit, all together in the most cruel way of  "processing." Every 2 days 35,000 people were put to death, some were trapped and sealed in large vans and gas penetrated inside. When the Nazi Army opened the container, the  stench foul smell of flesh, urine, stools and humans all dead and their eyes popped-out from their socket balls. Some of them had been scraped as if  been scratched and eaten by wild vicious animals. OMG! Cruel! What if the NAZI just acted upon on those zombies? What if?

Uhm, is that a symbol of  something else? Is there some kind of secrets put into place with those numbers and words?

In 15th Century, Magellan: the million  of  Moors were then Christianized and their names were replaced with Christian names. You mean Christianity has better way of  processing the population of humans? Probably, the Moors have more food supply. I don't know it's kind of weird.

Truth is... exaggeration played a part and surely probably a way to scare the hell out of everybody. That politics and war is really filthy. You can't give free housing for millions of people and to feed millions of people in the Depression era. Now that the population is in BILLIONS can you feed billions of people and to give them houses even if they have money to rent or buy when there is no available decent house for everyone. MILLIONS Vs. BILLIONS! I think we are smarter in our present generation and know survival skills so...BETTER VOTE FOR GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS WITH CONSCIENCE and SKILLS TO DO THEIR WORK PROPERLY. Vote for politicians that will give you jobs. Make sure that you will be employed, safe and secured in your own home and you will not end up in the "processing unit."

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