Friday, September 15, 2017

Sharing Wisdom

I have to make money! Everyone should make money. Earning money is not that easy. Then I saw another blogwriter who tries to earn money through his photography. Another blogwriter from another country has advertisements on her pagesite and the ads are over the place. Wow! Wishing she's really earning those per click basis.

Are you really earning from those per clicks? Your pagesite is already an annoying advertisements like bugs flying on four corners of the window of your computer screen.

If you are really earning wages per click by your readers then that's good for you.

I would like to try that sometime. I'm still thinking of the ad that I happened to see on another site with says " EARN MONEY ONLINE by selling your photographs." Any photographs? I was hesitant to sign in. I'm not sure if that website is true, real or sort of scam. I am truly curious. However, what if its a troll site? What if I sign up in that website would mean losing all my photographs in my album and photo files? WHAT IF...

I don't like risk. Risking for few pennies or risking the files inside my computer is a hell lot of NO. I have to find other ways to earn money the legal way and because I have talent not recognize yet until now what else have I need to do?

Be like the rest of would be "Van Gogh," Michelangelo,  Rembrant and Da Vinci?

Oh My God! That's what are artists are! You wont be famous and fabulous until you are dead!


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