Is there something wrong with this wise saying," God helps those who helped themselves?"
Is the word God singular or plural? Whenever the word GOD is used in a sentence or statement HE (male persona) is used as singular but the word God simply used as plural most of the time. Don't know if that a typo mistake or it depends on the writer to use the word God in plural form or singular form. It's matter of faith.
No one has seen God yet only the dead. He is invisible. He is the TRUTH, the LIGHT and the WAY. Then you said that's JESUS. GOD is a 3 Persona (Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit).
JESUS is the Son of God. Who is the Mother of Jesus? According to the Holy Bible, the Mother of Jesus is the Virgin Mary. But who is God? How can God produce an offspring Jesus when God is referred as a Holy Spirit? Joseph is not the father of Jesus, Joseph is a cousin of Mary. They both were from the linage of David. You know King David, right? Read the Holy Bible because it deals with History not only Religion.
There are so many millions questions, inquiries and inquisitions made to explain the existence of God and no one had seen Him in human form. However, we are made in the image of God. We are here on earth based on the existence that we had our ancestors through the lineage of the first Man and Woman. The union of the FIRST MAN & WOMAN. It's through the union of man and woman that an infant is born. The union of two men wont create a baby and two women cannot produce a baby.
You and me are made in the likeness of God. Is Lucifer the devil was created in the likeness of God? According to a "myth" Lucifer is a very handsome creation. He was the handsome, smartest angel of God. But why he became evil and the villain? Why is he only appears where there is God?
To better understand such mind-boggling inquisitive curiosity better study BIOLOGY. You wont feel ignorant if you know SCIENCE, PHYSICS & BIOLOGY.
However, if you are easy and you believe whatever you are reading from the Bible that it's the only source of life existence then your education probably didn't work properly on you, YOU FAILED! and you have to repeat from Elementary to College/University Education. Really, you have to study EVOLUTION. Most of all listen to your own parents. You have PARENTS (your Mother and Father were unionized and created you through the union/fertilization of egg + sperm cell). If you think your parents are your God, so be it. Remember you are created in the likeness of God. I hope you have eyes and vision most of all you have the MIND. It's important to have BRAINS inside your mind. GOD CREATED HUMANS WITH BRAINS to use it for thinking, analyzing and to reason out.
Your University graduate priests, educators and theologists also will allow you to consult your conscience and your mentality so that you wont go alone feeling being fooled.
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