Thursday, December 11, 2014

What Tomorrow May Bring?

Hard to believe that the value of Canadian dollar has been devalued once again. It was just P39.50 (Pesos) = ONE Canadian dollar last week.

Now?  ONE Canadian dollar is = to P38.97 (Pesos)

Tsk! tsk! What's going on? Looks like they are selling the Canadian dollars at a price favorable to other buyers.

It could be that the low price of oil and gas makes it possible for the devaluation. Or it's a strategy that it's better to sell Canadian currency rather than American dollars. It's Christmas time.

Maybe this is to stop Canadians from migrating to other countries. It's a situation wherein you have to travel to Canada rather than travelling to other countries.

It is some kind of stoppage or control not to travel to destinations where your money is a lower value. It is best to travel to different parts of the world when the value of your money is higher rather than lower.

Despite of this craziness the value of HOUSING never changed. The price of houses, condominiums and other housing facilities are soooooo HIGH.

Do we have to worry?

We have to worry next year.

For the meantime, you have to spend Christmas here in Canada and avail of what's inexpensive way to use the value of your money.

You'll never know what the future is when you don't even know what will happen tomorrow.

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