Now what? Is this sort of miraculous wrath that our very own TV has no sound. Yeah after I posted about the "dub issue."
Who could be the suspect or rather the culprit?
You think the hackers are the suspects?
I couldn't believe that the television network can be hacked too.
I tried to check the MENU of our TV and the Sound is not off. I off the sound maybe there is that "reverse psychology" going on as in test. Diagnostic whatsoever.
On and off. On sound no sound. Off sound there's really no sound.
Then ON again. No sound when it's on.
What the hell is going on?
You have to remember we bought our TV just recently. Don't tell me the warranty for flat TV is only good for less than a year. Rather HDTV and Flat screen TV is good only for less than a year and it will start to diminish its value as the source of entertainment.
So weird. Are we being targeted again by SCAMMERS?
There is something wrong with people targeting our one and only VEHICLE and now they are targeting our television.
Where are all the GOOD PEOPLE on this planet EARTH?
Is Canada the Biblical place called Sodom and Gomorrah? Could be because of Hydra!
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