Saturday, December 20, 2014

Copyrights? They Should Change the Meaning of CopyRights

The non-stop news about the cyber hacked info about the NK as they hacked SONY's movie "The Interview" which led to the cancellation of that movie. Really?

Even Washington was threatened that leads for Pres. Obama to have a Press Conference. Hmm, could be a part of that movie?

Why not eh? CORNER GAS the movie had PM Harper in the movie for short period of time, special guest. The Olympic Gold medallist and anchorman of Canadian Amazing Race was also featured drinking beer at Brent's Bar.

 Movies nowadays have to include commercials inside the movies. Long time ago, commercials or ads are outside of the movies. It's different now. Either the movie-making industry have to earn at least double of their used capital so that they can pay the wages of thousands of people involved in the making of a movie. Who the producer of the movie has to pay? So many of them and you can read or view those thousands of workers in the production company, read their names and their corresponding work title. It would take 5 to 10 minutes for you to read them one by one while the screen unscroll. It all start from the main characters of the movie to the director, producer, screenwriter, researchers, special effects technicians, carpenters. painters, lay-out  artist, graphic artists, 3D animators, cinematographer, to the many people who handle the lights, camera men, stuntmen or doubles, extras, those assigned to the sound system, to the musical score, so many to mention plus all those who they acknowledge such as owners of the buildings, the setting of the movie, the roads they crossed and places they occupied. The many press people, newscasters, the media, the promotions agency, etc, etc and the list goes on and on. After all the brouhahas what do you think is left for the producer to hang on to? Is there a profit in this kind of business?

The good thing about this movie industry is too many workers are employed. Sometimes a great movie employs tens of thousands of people.

THE INTERVIEW the movie is gathering many comments and reviews. the question is, do you think the movie is finished and ready for viewing?

Maybe not. That... maybe the reason why. Just tell us it was written by Kim Jong Uno.

The MAZE RUNNER is ... dude did you copy my novel THE SPIRIT OF VERONA? You just eliminated the elders in your movie. The plot story is almost the same with my novel. You have that concrete jungle maze instead of a cave.


Here's what the hackers only alibi > they want to make things better. As I'm writing this blog entry Rosetta Stone ad was flashed on the TV screen.

Right. Do you want an Rx? You're all so sick of hacking.

Oh well, not so many intriguing and controversial issues to talk about. Keep the GOSSIP GOING.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Puzzled About Maze?

We've been watching so much TV, the most indispensable tool for entertainment. So many new movies for the year 2014.

What I recently watched that made me think twice and draw conclusions?

I was surprised to have watched CORNER GAS: the Movie. I can't believe that they aired it on TV right away. I first thought it was to be premiered at the cinema. It was on TV for public viewing! At Channel 102. I watched the many episodes of Corner Gas and their setting on the prairie of Saskatchewan is more nostalgic and seems country-like. The life in their community is simple and naturalistic to Canadian life. Tranquil and everything's in order however, when the small community experienced the many turmoil of blackouts and businesses closing down due to bankruptcy and other social dilemmas, the leading characters decided to be a part of the community in making their lives back to normal. Each one participate to bring life to their small town even lying to achieve their purpose to revive the once harmonious town of Dog River. It\s a conspiracy that works for their community that they love. There are surprises in this movie even if you have watched so many of their daily tv shows. The ending is a surprise. I had that suspicion before that they will have a piece of that romantic episode. The movie is still funny no matter what. They could have added young cute aspiring movie stars or starlets in their movie to help boost it up to the level of a MOVIE.

Is there a movie with similar theme? Unfortunately, there is a movie with the same aim to revive a small community to return to its vibrant economic stability. The movie SEDUCTION OF DOCTOR LEWIS has the same kind of plot or story. I don't know who the stars in this movie but it seems to me that they are "stage actors" who are experienced in such delightful way of bringing funny and sarcastic dialogue on  the table. I watched this movie in French language with English subtitles on the screen of our TV.

Finally I saw the movie MAZE RUNNER. It was about group of youngsters who were imprisoned inside the maze They were at the center or the bowel of what is called concrete enclosed building. How to get out from the maze is a matter of life and death episode. It takes to be smart, brave, fast and presence of mind to get out. But do you think solving the maze will lead them to get out from the maze or it's the beginning of another maze to solve? Find it out for yourself.

Think of Moses being one of the builders of the pyramid in Egypt and took all the |Jews with him to escape then be stranded in the wilderness to the desert and have to eat manna or maggots to survive.

Next,  is there another version and the next episode of MAZE RUNNER?

Indians are known to create maze. The CUBE is a movie with the most difficult maze. You have to be a genius in Math, Physics, Chemistry and Calculus. Problem is the CUBE maze is nothing but a machine that grinds, blends, squeezes, pounds and slices anything whether they are humans, object, living or non-living things. Meaning? The cube has no conscience. It's a machine that do what is programmed without remorse.

Any puzzles and mazes?

Think of your own HOMES if they are sort of mazes and puzzles. Your life depends on how it was built and created to the satisfaction of the builder and the architect.

Don't buy houses built and created like as if they were used like a setting for shooting movies.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Is there any good people on Earth especially in Canada?

Now what? Is this sort of miraculous wrath that our very own TV has no sound. Yeah after I posted about the "dub issue."

Who could be the suspect or rather the culprit?

You think the hackers are the suspects?

I couldn't believe that the television network can be hacked too.

I tried to check the MENU of our TV and the Sound is not off. I off the sound maybe there is that "reverse psychology" going on as in test. Diagnostic whatsoever.

On and off. On sound no sound. Off sound there's really no sound.

Then ON again. No sound when it's on.

What the hell is going on?

You have to remember we bought our TV just recently. Don't tell me the warranty for flat TV is only good for less than a year. Rather HDTV and Flat screen TV is good only for less than a year and it will start to diminish its value as the source of entertainment.

So weird. Are we being targeted again by SCAMMERS?

There is something wrong with people targeting our one and only VEHICLE and now they are targeting our television.

Where are all the GOOD PEOPLE on this planet EARTH?

Is Canada the Biblical place called Sodom and Gomorrah? Could be because of Hydra!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Dub or Not?

I watched CORNER GAS on TV religiously on daily basis and to have heard that moviegoers enjoyed the first movie of Brent Butt and company because they can relate with the characters they are playing in the movie and on TV then it's a great deal for the cast and crew of Corner Gas. Wow! Congratulations guys! Tara Spencer and Gabrielle are two charming and beautiful women who are the breath of fresh air in Corner Gas. I hope I can watch your movie soon.


I'm still waiting for the movie MAZE RUNNER. I want to know how they can get out from the devilish giant concrete maze and why they were enclosed in such a trapezoid cell maze. Then while I was watching trailers on Optik on TV they posted that it will be aired next Tuesday so... I'm so excited to watch it. Have to pay for the movie though.


Trailers of the WALKING DEAD keeps appearing once in a while on our TV and I heard news that the most popular TV show on Earth is nominated for SAG and hopefully they will win. Are they nominated too for the Golden Globe and Emmy's? Uhmmm...??? February is such a long month to wait, right? This television show is available through SUBSCRIPTION from OPTIK at TELUS TV.


What about THE GIVER? Is that movie interesting? Based from the trailers, looks like it's mysterious. I like mystery. it brings some sense of adrenaline rush and it can make you think and ask lots of questions. Answers are revealed through how it manifest in the entire movie or it could leave you in awe, wondering and thinking and then answer it yourself. How sad if it would be incomprehensible like nobody can understand a single dialogue or the whole story. So sad for the writer and director and cast.


STRANGE that there are few shows on TV wherein the cast of characters are talking not in accordance with the sound or what they are saying doesn't match the opening of their mouth. Even if its dubbed. Why they have to dub the dialogue in THE BIG BANG THEORY? They can all speak English and their listeners are English speaking viewers why the "mismatched dub?" So weird! The movements of their lips do not match the dialogue. Why is it?


It reminds me of the dubbed Korean TV shows in the Philippines. The cast of the shows on TV talked in Korean language and then dubbed in Tagalog. You think they are Filipinos but actually they are Koreans talking in their language. Dubbed!


SEARS has variety of beds to choose from you know?
I love checking your "pain." LOL.


So many movies to watch. So many movies available during Yuletide season. What is your favorite TV Show and favorite movie for this year 2014?

Thursday, December 11, 2014

What Tomorrow May Bring?

Hard to believe that the value of Canadian dollar has been devalued once again. It was just P39.50 (Pesos) = ONE Canadian dollar last week.

Now?  ONE Canadian dollar is = to P38.97 (Pesos)

Tsk! tsk! What's going on? Looks like they are selling the Canadian dollars at a price favorable to other buyers.

It could be that the low price of oil and gas makes it possible for the devaluation. Or it's a strategy that it's better to sell Canadian currency rather than American dollars. It's Christmas time.

Maybe this is to stop Canadians from migrating to other countries. It's a situation wherein you have to travel to Canada rather than travelling to other countries.

It is some kind of stoppage or control not to travel to destinations where your money is a lower value. It is best to travel to different parts of the world when the value of your money is higher rather than lower.

Despite of this craziness the value of HOUSING never changed. The price of houses, condominiums and other housing facilities are soooooo HIGH.

Do we have to worry?

We have to worry next year.

For the meantime, you have to spend Christmas here in Canada and avail of what's inexpensive way to use the value of your money.

You'll never know what the future is when you don't even know what will happen tomorrow.

How To Stop Crime?

I can't believe that the Clipboard notes can be hacked too. What else these stupid hackers can do? I changed the passwords of my blogs before and the hackers got into it  too. How they can do that? What's wrong with these bad creatures? Are they humans? Are they stupid and ignorant?

What kind of evil they are?  Is the anti-virus not working anymore? Why the hack and why  the hacking? Oh I know they are paid to hack. Hacking is stealing. They are THIEVES. They think they are smart. Dude you are a thief. Magnanakaw ka!

When you steal information that's a crime.

When you can read information on open source that's legal but hacking draft info  and notes from clipboard that's illegal and it's a CRIME and it's punishable.

How can we stop crime from happening? How to stop crime before it happens?