Thursday, January 16, 2014

Did you know that sometimes the winners in politics are people with lots of debts. Then to pay for those debts (millions and billions of dollars) have to pay them back while they were seated in office. What will happen? You think it's back to the government? To the people? That's what you think! It will go back to the lenders > to the Bank.

Why so many leaders in jail? The past leaders are in prison trying to pay for their debts. They can get out once they paid for all they have loaned from the Central Bank, to the IMF.

Nepotism is more than common in Philippines? Think again. Sure they cooperate each other to pay all those millions and billions of dollars. If not the whole land will be taken away by the lenders. The Filipinos will be taken away from the land where they were born. There'll be millions of overseas workers who are "used" as collateral. Payment just for the "interest."

What's happening with our country? You people there in Philippines you are educated, at least I know majority of the inhabitants are highly educated why you let such thing happened to your country?

A "journalist's"
wants and wishes that the actress K.A.  will be a good president for the Philippines. Is she crazy? I mean the journalist? I first thought she is a lot smarter than the other people in the media. Tsk! Tsk! Why don't you just ask Sandra Bullock? Or at least have delicadeza ask Jessica Soho instead to run for presidency. There are at least hundreds to choose from. If you want another president that will truly enlightened the Philippines? VP Jejomar Binay is the key to the Office of the President. Ayan sinabi ko na sa iyo. Pag hindi nyo yan sinunod wala na talaga kayong pag-asa. Mabubura na ang Pilipinas sa mapa.

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