Thursday, January 23, 2014

Caves & Caverns

It's January 22, 2014 FGS! How the hell the balmy cold frozen weather triumphs in another part of the world, I mean in the Atlantic region. I knew of what I have watched long time ago , a movie entitled "Horizon." It was a very frightening movie of tourists aboard a ship and then stranded because of icy condition in that region. One by one those people aboard the ship had an ultimate brush with death.

Anyway, that was a movie not a real life story. How to find out if the true story is TRUE or REAL? Uhm? Too many liars nowadays. Hard to believe anything anymore. Sometimes mad men will point a gun to that man inside the interogation room and play the russian roulette. That's horrible and scary. Now with that roulette style of interogation SAW the movie had it. Sadistic style. That movie is beastly and sadistic. Why those movies never been censored in the first place.

Latest of the news throuh the internet and on TV is the 2nd issue of an older woman who didn't file for Statistics Canada. Census form she didn't fill up. Why? She of all citizen of Canada who worked as a social worker before in a Canadian government who distrust the nature of the census format because it was a "Lockheed Martin" format. Audrey another elderly woman didn't file census and was sued however she contested the accusation and won.

What? Why? What's wrong with Lockheed martin's? We are using Microsoft wares. The computers are of different brands and name yet the software or Windows under Microsoft of which the founder is Bill Gates. Oh I know now she probably watched THE NET of Sandra Bullock's. At age 79 the retired social worker is paranoid of what will happen to her pension. She probably watched also the movie ENOUGH of Jennifer Lopez. who run away from ex husband and then assumed a new name and received pension that belongs from the bearer of that new name she acquired. There are so many stories about such claims. Hundreds to thousands cases filed up. When the Twin towers collapsed the US discovered how many hundred thousands of illegal immigrants in that city. Since World War II illegal immigrants actually totalled to millions of people! Shocking! Fabrication? That's the truth about living inside the cavern and caves that housed at least 7 football fields , soccer fields and baseball stadiums.

Note: These news are old already. Bearer of news are newspapers that I read long time ago. News on TV, news on magazines. The writers, reporters have probably have proof anyway. Besides those illegals were forgiven and already American citizens now. Even Pres. Reagan asked the Russians to move to America when he thought Americans are becoming Chinese during his term of office in the White House. Yeah dude WHITE HOUSE! WHITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Truth is what they protect is the location of the game, the sports they loved since the Romans time. Since the time of Nero and Julius Caesar. They don't care who are outside the domes. They only care who are inside the cavern , inside the arena, the players and the people who patronized the game.

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