Friday, October 21, 2011

What Now? Croc's tears?

Yesterday while everyone's talking about the death of Col. Moammar Khaddafy ? Gaddhafi? Gaddahfi? Dude your spelling of his name changes everyday. Can somebody post or write his true real name in newspaper and on TV? Because wrong spelling of a name of a person means that's "another person." Moammar is not Muammar and Khaddafy is not Gaddhafi.

Anyway, so everybody's tune in with that news from Libya. You know where Libya is? I hope you know. Everyone who knows the world map knows where Libya is especially thousands of Filipinos worked and are working in that country. An oil rich country. All the leaders in the world made their comments about M. K.'s death. Whatever their plans are I don't know.

Here in Canada there was a DRILL. EARTHQUAKE DRILL in many schools. It's a must!
COVER & DUCK! DUCK, COVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So the children duck and cover DRILL baby drill! It's a preparation for the big one?

Why not have helmets for their head stuck in every room in schools. Have a stock of non-perishable food. Medical of First Aid Kit. Most of all have stock of toiletries and make sure every school has a stay-in nurse. And don't forget every school should have ROPE. 

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