Saturday, October 1, 2011

Have you noticed too many celebrities getting skinny and so thin as if they are all bones already? My God they looked like skeletons! That's very alarming!! Are they not eating anymore? Too much stress and pressures? It seems to me that not only celebrities are becoming malnourished but people from the third world countries. I think there are so many food to eat, there are so much land where they can plant their crops whether just on small pots and or let those plants hanging from the air. In this generation when there are food banks available who will get hungry? FREE FOOD already!!!

Right nobody will get hungry but some people preferred not to eat because of what they experienced. It's not about practicing  abstinence on food but they 'd rather not eat because of what the content of those food. for them those food are poisonous! It is bad for their health. Taking too much of those kind of food might harm their body parts and organs. Too many people afflicted with ailments such as: cancer, diabetes, people on dialysis, people sick of kidney ailment, those who have hepatitis, people with heart ailments, and many other malady that if left uncontrolled death is inevitable.

What is wrong with the food that we eat? What is wrong with the water, juice and drink we used to eat and drink normally and naturally? Is there something we have to know?

Lately, I found my coffee, my favourite coffee is no longer the same coffee. The taste of that coffee is awfully shockingly different. It's like it's burning my tongue. What is wrong? I smelled it and it has something so peculiar in it. It is coffee but it has the smell of tobacco ingredients in it. What the hell is that? We dumped that coffee can already filled with those granules. We bought a new brand even if its expensive than the other brand. Same thing. The result is yucky! It's not coffee!!!!!!! Who the F is trying to poison us?  The worst thing that happened is you or me will eventually have encountered buying fake coffee from the supermarket with ingredients of rust metal. And that's totally f-----! The government should take charge of this anomaly. I don't know if you feel the same way when there are people who are so twisted and criminally insane doing such manipulation tampering on good products. The point is we BOUGHT our coffee. It's not free. We pay what we use and eat at home. So why some heartless without conscience will do that nasty things?

Then later while I was watching news on TV, two courageous American women were on research investigation visiting supermarket and even small grocery stores to find out the product defect and low quality maintenance being implemented on products that they were eyeing on. Yes they found so many disturbing and troubling indications that some products are tampered and needed some kind of labeling to a highest degree.

Another documentary was coffee beans been dried outside on a mat and well you'll never know what animals droppings in there. With mice and monkeys and creepy crawlies around what is the sanitation being implemented? Urine and droppings from mice just on certain specific items without you caring for the products safety and security will lead to bubonic plague. It is scary out there. The terrifying ordeal of being sick and poisoned is such a shocking situation and not to eat is even greater devastating effect of malnourishment. Drink water? Lately and months ago when the water content has too much arsenic in it. Way too much level or percentage of chlorine. The shrimps and prawns that smelled bleach no matter how much its been washed and cleaned. Coconut powder that is disguised as powdered onions.Make sure the pork is pork when its grounded. Make sure the meat is beef from cows not from other animals. Make sure the sausages are meat from either ground beef or ground pork or ground chicken not ground manatees or sea lions.  What the hell is going on? I think you really have to hire  security guards in the supermarket who make sure that criminals will not change the products. Horrible !

What to do now? KEEP YOUR FOOD SAFE. Have a better QUALITY CONTROL checking the food supply and drinking supply 24hrs/day. It's your life and my life and the lives of others and billions of the population who are in stake. ACT RESPONSIBLY.

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