Thursday, April 28, 2011

You've Got The Power To Change The World?

Heart-pounding, non-stop thriller, death defying action packed yet daring escape of a covert CIA agent named Evelyn Salt >starring Angelina Jollie in the movie SALT is one of her best roles ever portrayed. She is that awesomely amazing great in this movie. Unforgettable!

However, I feel sorry for her. I felt so bad that I have the opportunity to watch it only last night. I couldn't help ask why on earth she didn't gather awards at the Golden Globe and at the Oscar's Academy Awards Nite.

What is wrong? Because of too much violence? I think what matters in this movie is the STORY. Story that has a pulse and most of all relevant to the present political power struggle.

Anyway, past is passed. People will know and some people I know how to judge without any bias or BS.

Other movies that "should" have gathered awards from the past:

1. Eat, Love, Pray of Julia Roberts
2. Defiance
3. Da Vinci Code
4. Angels and Demons
5. ?

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