Monday, November 15, 2010

The problem here with the internet? It is very fast. The communication is really at super speed. I was just thinking about something...a plot , the scene, the characters and all of a sudden a known author of books already have them > about to publish. Good for them they have publishing company and printing press.

I think I'd better write through my journal with the use of my PEN with black INK and yes paper. Instead of typing them here.

You wont believe it but probably Stephen King, Stephenie Meyer, JK Rowling had the familiar paranormal activities of knowing that their own novels have original copies somewhere. It's just that they represent these novels or stories or are they really the story writers who typed, written and created all the stories in their mind? Most of the time writers, or true writers are the quiet type, they never really talked to anybody nor ever presented themselves to public. Some of them are anonymous and its up for the publisher to copy, edit, publish and distribute those stories in paperback > books or be presented in another medium such as TV or Movie script, manuscript. Of course some of them were doctored and proof-read first.

What happened to the original writer is somehow left with a promise. "Promise" of payment or sometimes rejection. Rejection but half of the stories made by true writers or author of those stories were taken in context for another known writer. Uhm, nice try. Good for another novel. Ahahaha. Since my hands are non-stop in typing essential parts of storytelling whoever is reading gets the first hand view of what inside my mind right now.

Or I could ask my son to expand the story for he is really at his best when it comes to grammar. Like he knew that there are at least 200 ways to use the word "said." And beautiful is not the only word I can use for something pretty. I can use gorgeous, nice, pleasant looking, adorable, lovely or stunning.

My son should be a writer, I know he could be a great writer based on how he composed essays from school. Way better than his Mommy.

Time to fold clothes. I had three loads of laundry today. It's Monday remember. Also have to keep old summer clothes from the closet and fill them up with winter clothes. Dozen of clothes to be sent to the thrift shop so that others may enjoy them. Weather wise --- Snowy weather in other parts of the province. No snow yet in here hopefully snowy winter wonderland comes after December 5 of this year. Keep your fingers crossed.

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