Monday, November 22, 2010

Cheaper to copy and print ?

I always tried to answer some fellow bloggers on their query regarding the copying and printing of any material here in the internet.

First it is illegal, immoral and sacrilegious to copy, print and then sell some of the copyrighted materials, written or drawn by somebody you don't know and worst thing is you just done such copying without permission from the author of books, novel, blogs, artist, etc.

For me it is okay to mention the NAME of the author or artist works in your blogs, novel or work of arts. Giving the credits where the credit is due. Just the simple courtesy of "mentioning their names" is a form of gratitude.

For example: I don't know who Loralee is but I like reading her blog because it's awesome, funny and sometimes melo-dramatic in tone. She is a blogger whose vocabulary is somewhat dim-witted, twisted and sort of like annoying (sometimes). However, her new set of vocabularies such as "I heart you" and "I wroted" are few of her own lingo. That's her basic style I think.

Now there is another blogger: I know she is diabetic and she used to write that she has cancer. I like reading her blog because it's almost like real. I mean don't want her being sick all the time and reading her sentiments and all the pain but still managed to write is a blessing in disguised. Meaning writing or blogging has a meaningful healing effect for the sick . Get well soon Cathy Black.

On copying their story? Each one of us has the capacity or ability to blog or write elgantly or prolifically what is wrong with that? The sad part is I hate people copying my idea or can one person have the same kind of life story? I doubt it.

On copying and printing materials from the internet? Dude it is not cheap! Really! The truth is very expensive. Bond paper is not cheap. INK is very expensive. When I say VERY EXPENSIVE it means it is COSTLY. How many times I have to tell you this? Probably it is cheaper to buy a whole book than copy from the net. A traditional book only sells for $5.00 while if you copy and print the whole book? Maybe the cost is $60.00/book. That's good for the copying center or from where you bought the ink.

There's a story about a sensational star who keeps complaining about copyrights issue. The star thought some people are making so much money selling his poster, photographs, and many of his images through the net and through the outside source and he is not getting any from those novelties. You must have been glad somebody doing it for you. For you to market yourself you'll probably need at least million dollars in capital. Come to think of those publicity and marketing machinery intended for him which he never pay for it was outside his own domain, meaning it is outside the country. Let say it was pirated. Unfair? It is unfair for if you have to pay for those promotional effects the star would probably go bankrupt. That's why it is more likely or better that the star has to thank the million of support from his fans for they are the ones who are using their financial capability to let you shine brighter than any ordinary stars. The only thing you can get is probably awards and what else?

Just like the many writers here what can we expect? I am not as famous as "those writers." I am more of a blogger with sense. Good freaking sense and conscience.

There is another writer who was crying out of nostalgia or because her book was pirated? How could that be? Did she write the book thr. the net? Was she just like me posting the novel for everyone to see and read?

The thought of somebody copying my written words for free and then sell them is utterly disgusting and I'm not even famous. My short stories at
are for children to read. That's right it is dedicated and intended for my kids and other kids to read and if you are copying and printing them without my permission is like stealing them and me (especially)the opportunity that I deserved. So shame on you.

Dump more snow on their place if need be.

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